Friday, March 7, 2025

Rufus Curry in Jail After Cutting Up Wife with Razor, March 12, 1925

Negro Uses “Razzer”

Rufus Curry is a colored denizen of “Grimtown,” negro settlement in the outskirts of Forest City. ‘Rufe went home unexpectedly Saturday night about 9 o’clock, when it is claimed he found a male visitor entertaining his wife. Visitor Tim Dobey and wife tried to bar Rufe form his home, but he forced his way in just as Tim made his escape through a window.

The husband then decided to take his wife back to her people—“right now.” Grabbing her, he proceeded, telling her—according to report—“Woman, I’se gwine ter cut you every time you breathe some, so Rufe produced the ever-ready razor and proceeded to the carving. By the time they reached her mother’s home, he had trimmed her closer than a German butcher could carve a ham. The negro woman was cut on the arms, the head, face, legs, and almost everywhere. It kept two physicians busy for some time to sew up the cuts, but they say she will recover.

Rufus was arrested and placed under bond. “The man in the case,” so far as known, escaped all punishment as well as dodged the officers.

From the front page of The Forest City Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1925

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