Saturday, March 8, 2025

Wayne McNeill Principal of Philadelphus, March 9, 1925

Mr. Wayne McNeill Elected Principal of Philadelphus. . . Has Been Teacher There Past Two Seasons—Basketball Teams Continue String of Victories

By W.H.M. Brown

Buies, March 7—In a game of basketball yesterday p.m. at Philadelphus, with the Wagram and Marshville teams, the Philadelphus boys and girls won the game. So far they have wone out with the Robeson county schools, and are still gaining victories with other schools.

At a meeting of the Philadelphus school committee Friday Mr. Wayne McNeill of Wagam, who for the past two seasons has been teaching in the school, was elected principal for the next term. Mr. McNeill is a brother to Mr. John Charles McNeill, the well-known poet, who died a few years ago.

From the front page of The Robesonian, Lumberton, N.C., Monday, March 9, 1925

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