Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Tom "Brandy" Noe Charged with Larceny, March 5, 1925

Tom Noe Arrested on Larceny Charge

Tom Noe, frequently called “Brandy,” a young white man of Beaufort, was arrested Tuesday night for entering the pilot house of the fishing boat Chas. S. Wallace and committed to jail. Mayor Thomas required a bond of $500 which Noe was unable to give. For some time Captain Bonner Willis and his brother, Captain Wilbur Willis of the W.M. Webb, have been missing things from their vessels. The two boats dock at the foot of Orange street. Tuesday night Captain Bonner concealed himself in the pilot house of the Wallace and waited for development. About 8 o’clock Noe came along the Wallace in a skiff and climbed aboard. He first went to the galley and could not get in and then came to the pilot house where Captain Willis took charge of him. Noe stated that he was looking for some matches but this explanation of his visit was not satisfactory to Captain Willis and so he had Noe put under arrest.

At the June term of court in 1923 Luther Lloyd and Tom Noe were put under a suspended sentence by Judge Grady of three to five years in the penitentiary if they violated any law within five years. Lloyd was convicted of entering the warehouse of the Beaufort Grocery Company last year and is now in the penitentiary. Noe will be tried in Superior court next week.

From the front page of The Beaufort News, March 5, 1925


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