It was right cold here Monday but is delightful today.
Rev. Mr. Carter filled his regular appointment here Sunday afternoon. He had a large congregation and preached a very good sermon.
Mrs. J.F. Sabiston who has been on the sick list for some time is right much improved.
Miss Mary Davis of Beaufort spent the week end with the Misses Whitley.
Mrs. E.C. Dickinson spent Wednesday with her mother Mrs. Lula Bell of Harlowe.
Messrs. Bridges and Wilbur Sabiston and Marcus Dickinson attended the movies at Beaufort Saturday.
Mr. Alex Foreman was a business visitor at Beaufort Friday.
Mrs. C.C. Dickinson and little daughter Florence spent Wednesday with her mother Mrs. C.T. Eubanks of Wire Grass.
Mrs. Willie Smith of Dover returned to her home Friday after spending some time with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J.T. Small.
Miss Marie Dickinson spent the week end with her sister Mrs. Dewey Hardesty of Oyster Creek.
Mr. D.W. Sabiston and son Bridges were in Beaufort Wednesday on a business visit.
From page 2 of The Beaufort News, Thursday, March 5, 1925
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