Thursday, March 6, 2025

Newton Folk Want Feimster as District Road Commissioner, March 7, 1925

Wilkinson Opposed by the Catawba People. . . Newton Folks Want Feimster Named as Sixth District Road Commissioner

Charlotte, March 6—Friends in this section of W.C. Wilkinson, of this city, sixth district highway commissioner, today started a flood of telegrams pouring into Governor McLean’s office at Raleigh, urging that he reappoint the Charlotte man on the highway commission.

The sudden activity in behalf of Mr. Wilkinson was started by announcement that Catawba county citizens, 3,000 strong, had signed and forwarded a petition to the governor urging the appointment of W.C. Feimster of Newton, as a member of the commission from this district.

Mr. Wilkinson admits that there was a strong sentiment against him in Catawba county and said he was aware of the petition being sent to Raleigh by citizens of that section.

Location of the State highway some time ago, was given by Mr. Wilkinson as the probable reason for the opposition to him in Catawba county. He says he placed the road from Statesville to Conover, instead of from Statesville to Newton as desired by many Catawba county citizens.

From the front page of The Concord Daily Tribune, Saturday, March 7, 1925

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