Monday, March 3, 2025

News Briefs from King, N.C., March 3, 1925

King, March 3—W.A. Smith is opening up a music store in the Smith building on the corner of Main and Depot streets.

A Ford roadster occupied by Robt. Thomas and Tom Jessup turned turtle on an embankment in West King yesterday afternoon. Fortunately, the young men were not hurt, but the Ford was much used up.

The one-year-old child of Mr. and Mrs. W.R. Hartgrove, who reside on Dan River street, died yesterday after several days’ illness with pneumonia. The interment was conducted from Mt. Olive church today.

Ruth, the small child of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Spainhour, is very ill with pneumonia at their home here.

The girls’ basket ball team of the King high school defeated the Pilot Mountain team in a game played at Pilot Mountain Saturday afternoon. The score stood 19 to 17.

J. Wilson Mitchell returned yesterday from a business trip to Raleigh.

Chas. R. Carroll is preparing to build a nice home on West Main Street. Work will start in a few days.

J.W. Spainhour of Winston-Salem was here Sunday calling on his friends.

John T. Love, who has been ill at his home here, shows improvement.

F.N. Jones, manager of the King Manufacturing Co., spent Sunday in High Point.

D.E. Wall has purchased from P. Newsom a nice residence lot in Pilot View, on which he will erect a nice residence soon.

The King high school basket-ball team defeated the Shoals school team in a game played here Friday, the score being 21 to nothing. The game was refereed by Miss Faye Tillotson. The line-up was as follows: Shoals, R.F. Scott, L.F. McCullum, C. Kiger, C. Butner, R.G. Chilton and L.G. Owen; King, R.F. Meadows, L.F. Boyles, C. Caudle, C. Thomas, R.G. Masencup and L.G. Ingram.

The Moravian Ladies’ Aid Society will meet with Mrs. Clady Newsom on Thursday, March 5th, to discuss plans for their miscellaneous sale to be held on Saturday before Easter.

Work on J.H. Hauser’s new home on West Main street is nearing completion.

From the front page of The Danbury Reporter, March 4, 1925

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