In regard to the bootleggers who were arrested in the Tabernacle last week will say: They were the first of which I had heard using the Church for the furtherance of their business. I appreciate the fact that the police succeeded in capturing them and thus undertook to bring them to just punishment of their beastly crime of both desecrating the House of God as well as bootlegging.
I want to say in this connection that considerable effort has been made in the past to keep the Tabernacle closed against trespassers of any nature, yet we have made another special effort to have all doors securely fastened and kept under lock and key. The doors will be kept closed at all times except Sundays and other times when services are in progress. If any one attempts to enter this building for any purpose whatever, whether with or without a key, without being authorized by the pastor or Board of Stewards, they will be arrested for house breaking as well as other crimes they may be pursuing in this connection. The police are hereby notified to keep special look-out and see that all trespassers are not only arrested but punished to the fullest extent of the law. I think the time has come in Mooresville when all decent citizens ought to feel it their duty to see that all bootleggers of which they have knowledge are apprehended and punished whether in high or low circles.
--G.W. Fink, Pastor
From the front page of The Mooresville Enterprise, March 19, 1925
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