Thursday, March 20, 2025

Illinois Man's Experience During March 20, 1925 Tornado

Illinois Man Sees Auto and Family Sailing in the Wind

De Soto, Ill., March 20—Jesse E. Pankey of Harco, this county, who was returning to his home from St. Louis with his wife and two small children in an automobile when Wednesday’s tornado approached, today described a fantasy of the winds.

He swung into a garage to escape, Pankey said, and as he stepped from the automobile, the roof of the garage was whirled away. Next, he asserted, his car was tossed into the air and carried off with his wife and children in it. He was also listed and blown five blocks, alighting uninjured on the Illinois Central Railroad tracks, he continued.

His wife and children later were found in a freshly ploughed field, and they were only slightly injured, Panky said. He added that the last time he saw his automobile, it was still sailing.

From the front page of the Concord Daily Tribune, Saturday, March 21, 1925. The first two times, the last name was spelled “Pankey” and on the third time it was “Panky.”

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