Saturday, March 15, 2025

Lycurgus Rayner Varser Appointed to State Supreme Court, March 16, 1925

Lycurgus Rayner Varser Appointed Associate Justice N.C. Supreme Court. . . Former Law Partner of Governor McLean Succeeds Justice Stacy, Who Becomes Chief Justice Upon Retirement of Chief Justice Hoke. . . Will Take Oath of Office in Raleigh Tuesday at 10. . . Members of Local Bar Will Attend and Mr. Stephen McIntyre, Dean, Probably Will Take Part in the Ceremonies—Family Will Remain in Lumberton for the Present

Former State Senator Lycurgus Rayner Varser of Lumberton was appointed by Governor McLean this morning associate justice of the North Carolina Supreme court to succeed Justice W.P. Stacey, who was named chief justice to succeed Chief Justice W.A. Hoke, immediately following announcement of the resignation of Chief Justice Hoke this morning.

Judge Varser will take the oath of office Tuesday morning at 10 o’clock. He will go to Raleigh this afternoon with Mrs. Varser and their young daughter, Miss Lily. Mrs. Varser and Miss Lily will return tomorrow afternoon and they will continue to make Lumberton their home for the present.

Members of the local bar will attend the installation in a body and Mr. Stephen McIntyre, dean of the Robeson bar, will take some part in the ceremonies.

Mr. Varser is a native of Gates county. He was graduated at Wake Forest college in 1899 and began the practice of law in Kinston in 1901. Following the death of Col. N.A. McLean in February, 1911, Mr. Varser, in March of that year, became associated with Governor McLean and Mr. Dickson McLean in the practice of law in Lumberton, the firm name being McLean, Varser & McLean. Later Mr. H.E. Stacy, a brother of Chief Justice Stacy, a brother of Chief Justice Stacy, became a member of the firm and upon retirement from the firm of Governor McLean when he became a candidate for Governor, the firm name was changed to Varser, McLean & Stacy.

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From the front page of The Robesonian, Lumberton, N.C., March 16, 1925

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