Sunday, March 16, 2025

R.L. Mitchell Recovering From Poison Liquor, March 17, 1925

Buys Poison Liquor Here. . . Durham Man Stricken Sunday from Effects of Drink; But Recovers

R.L. Mitchell, Durham man who became desperately ill here Sunday from the effects of poison liquor, had recovered sufficiently yesterday to be able to return tohis home, apparently none the worse for his harrowing experience.

When police were notified of his situation, it was feared he was fatally stricken. He complained of going blind, and several physicians were summoned to his aid. They pronounced him to be suffering from poisoned liquor, thought to have contained a small percentage of wood alcohol.

The man said he was here on a week end jaunt with several friends and while he was scouring around the city in an effort to buy some whiskey, he encountered a negro who was peddling booze in small drink ?? for 50 cents each. He wanted the stuff in larger quantities but when the negro stated that had but a drink or two left, he bought one of them for 50 cents. A few minutes later he became desperately sick.

The police searched for the negro answering the description given them by Mitchell but up to this time he has not been found.

From the front page of the Goldsboro News, Tuesday morning, March 17, 1925. Wood alcohol is a poisonous type of alcohol that is useful in products like antifreeze, windshield wiper fluid, paint thinner, pesticides. It can occur unintentionally in homemade alcohol, and it was a risk when people during prohibition consumed moonshine.

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