Sunday, March 16, 2025

Needham Wiliamson of Wendell Died March 9, 1925

Johnston County Citizen Passes. . . Mr. Needham Williamson, Oldest Man in His Section, Is Dead

Wendell, Mar. 12—On Monday morning, March 9, at 6 o’clock Mr. Needham Williamson of near Wendell, Johnston County, passed into the Great Beyond. Mr. Williamson, who was one of the oldest citizens of this section, one of the last of the Confederate veterans, had been in poor health for several months, but the end came unexpectedly and almost suddenly. He was able to be up and going about Sunday but was taken ill Sunday night and died early Monday morning.

Mr. Williamson united with Corinth Baptist Church in Johnston County nearly 30 years ago and had served as deacon in his church for most of this time. He was a good neighbor and citizen and was held in high esteem by those who knew him.

He is survived by his widow, who before her marriage was Miss Addie O’Neal of Johnston County; six sons: J.R. and Julius Williamson of Wendell, T.E., N.E., and J.A. Williamson of Johnston, and E.R. Williamson of Raeford; and two daughters: Mrs. B.W. Glover and Miss Rena Williamson of Johnston.

The funeral service was conducted Tuesday afternoon by a former pastor, Rev. A.A. Pippin of Wakefield, and the body was laid to rest in the family burying ground near the Williamson home. The beautiful floral offering bore testimony to the high esteem in which Mr. Williamson was held by neighbors and friends.

From page 6 of the Goldsboro Herald, Tuesday, March 17, 1925

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