Hours of grilling by police and deputies yesterday failed to elicit a confession of guilt from June Potter held in connection with the murder of Dave Hobson, Goldsboro barber, who was found early yesterday morning on a by-road leading from Seven Springs to the Kinston highway, with his throat cut ear to ear, and it was intimated last night that he might be released for lack of evidence.
However, innumerable clues picked up by the officers yesterday may result in the arrest of several persons believed to have been companions of the main man in the ill-fated ride, it was stated, and Deputy Sheriff L.O. Rhodes, who is investigating the case on account of the sickness of Sheriff W.D. Grant, expects to present a solution within the next 24 hours of the baffling mystery, which has set the entire community agog with ??.
Seen in Company with Hobson
Potter is alleged to have been seen in the company of Hobson in Goldsboro Sunday, and it was also ?? that he was with him in LaGrange late in the evening, where they had supper in a café. He is said to have admitted being with the deceased on both occasions, but claimed he left him many hours before the tragedy is believed to have occurred. In this he is to an extent corroborated by John Hinson, Seven Springs resident, who is the last man known to have seen Hobson alive. He was unable to identify Potter as a member of the party accompanying Hobson when he came to his home late Sunday night.
The body of Hobson was found at daybreak by two negroes who hurried to the home of Mr. Hinson, nearby, with the news of their gristly find. That gentleman rushed to White Hall, a small settlement, where he notified the officers. In a few minutes Deputy Sheriffs Carl Smith and Calvin Sanderson, accompanied by two other men, rushed to the scene. There the body of Hobson, his face lying in a pool of congested blood that formed a crust over the sand, met their horrified gaze.
Alive When Found
A hasty examination revealed the man to be breathing, though sinking fast. Hurriedly bundling him up in some automobile lap-robes, they placed him in a car and started for Goldsboro. But just before they reached the hard-surfaced highway, less than two miles distant, they observed him breathe his last.
Reaching Goldsboro, the body was carried to the undertaking parlors of Carl Stanley and Coroner Robinson, when informed of the death, empaneled a jury, but for lack of evidence, it was adjourned to await further developments.
The remains were examined by Dr. Ma?? Bizzell. He found a deep cut on the left side of the throat, a slighter cut on the right side, and lacerations about the face and lips.
The opinion was expressed that Hobson had been mortally wounded late in the night or early in the morning and that his slayer had left him ?? to bleed to death. Had medical attention been summoned immediately, it was asserted, his life could have been saved.
Potter was connected with the case when the officers were informed he had ben seen with Hobson here Sunday afternoon. Later, when a telephone message from LaGrange stated he had been seen thee with the slain man, several deputies were dispatched to take him into custody. He was traced to LaGrange from here to Jason, and then back to Goldsboro, the officers overtaking shortly after he had reached the city limits. He was immediately placed under arrest and taken to the city jail where he was closely questioned by Deputy Rhodes and Chief Tew.
Officers Reticent
Officers were very reticent about discussing the case last night, but from what little news leaked out from city hall, it is understood that Potter, while admitting having been in company with the deceased, is said to have declared he left him long before the killing. They are said to believe, however, that Potter is withholding information, and while they may have to release him for lack of evidence, they are not altogether satisfied of his complete innocence.
John Hinson, Seven Springs man, is quoted as having stated that Hobson came to his house Sunday night in company with two or three other men. The dead man, he said, was plainly under the influence of whiskey, and it was also alleged that he tried to induce him to spend the night at his home. Refusing to stay, he went back to the car with his companions and drove off. That was the last time, to the knowledge of authorities, he was seen alive.
Potter, the man being held, is in the employ of the Goldsboro Hotel ?? and is said to be a native of the LaGrange section.
From the front page of the Goldsboro News, Tuesday morning, March 17, 1925
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