Sunday, March 14, 2021

Garrett, Healen, Davidson, French Obituaries, March 14, 1921



Mrs. Catherine Lacey Garrett, wife of the late Thomas W. Garrett, widely known in railroad circles of the South, died Sunday afternoon at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John M. Morehead, on Ranson place.

The body was accompanied to Marietta, Ga., Sunday night. The funeral services will be held there probably Monday, and Mrs. Garrett will be buried beside her husband in the family plot.

Mrs. Garrett, who was the third daughter of George M. and Edna Austin Lacey of Marietta, Ga., was born May 22, 1850. She was married to Mr. Garrett when 16 years of age.

During her life she was an active member of the Baptist church.

She is survived by four children: Mrs. Thomason, McClung of Knoxville, Tenn., Mrs. John M. Morehead of this city, Thomas W. Garrett of Atlanta, Ga., and Lacey M. Garrett of Marietta, Ga.


Rocky Mount, March 14—Mrs. R.T. Edwards, wife of a prominent local business man and a leader in society here, fatally shot herself in her room early Sunday morning. It is not known whether or not it was intentional. She with her husband had attended a social function during the evening. She was a native of San Diego, Calif.


Mrs. W.N. Healen, 702 North Poplar street, died Sunday morning at the Presbyterian hospital. The body was accompanied Monday morning to Waco, this state, where the funeral was to be conducted Monday at noon.

Mrs. Healen is survived by her husband and two small children. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.D. Putnam of Waco, also survive. Her surviving brothers and sisters are M.A. and D.P. Putnam of Lincolnton, Claude B. P.M., A.J., Hubert, and Misses Thelma and Fannie Putnam of Waco; Mrs. J.E. Milten and B.F. Putnam of Portsmouth, Va., and Mrs. E.M. Blanton, of this city.


Miss Sallie Davidson of this city left for Columbia, S.C., Sunday morning to attend the funeral of her step-mother, Mrs. A. Brevard Davidson, 86, who died at her home in Columbia early Sunday morning. Death was due to pneumonia.

Funeral services will be held at the home in Columbia Tuesday. Interment will be in the family plot there.

Mrs. Davidson was a daughter of Frank Elmoe, a widely known man of Columbia, who succeeded John C. Calhoun in the United States Senate. She married A.b. Davidson of Charlotte, and moved to this city from Columbia years ago. Upon her husband’s death, she returned to Columbia, in which place she has resided for many years. Although an Episcopalian, she attended Presbyterian church during her residence of Charlotte, of which her husband was a member.

The deceased is survived by one sister, Mrs. Minnie Taylor Fayetteville, and the following step-children: Miss Sallie Davidson, Mrs. Charles Montgomery, Mrs. A.J. Bell, Miss Blanch Davidson and Baxter Davidson, all of Charlotte, and Mrs. Julie Strohecker of Washington City.


Draper, March 14—Alfred L. French, 61, vice-president of the North Carolina Breeders’ Association and prominent as a writer on agricultural subjects, died at his home here last night after an illness of several weeks with typhoid fever. Mr. French, born in Wakeman, Ohio, in 1869, came to North Carolina about 20 years ago. He was three times a candidate for commissioner of agriculture on the republican ticket. He is survived by his widow and several children. Burial will take place at Reidsville tomorrow afternoon.

From The Charlotte News, Monday evening, March 14, 1921

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