Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Caraleigh PTA Elects Mrs. William Card President, Oct. 17, 1924

Caraleigh Parent-Teachers’ Association

Mrs. William Card was elected president of the Caraleigh Parent-Teachers’ Association at the first regular meeting. The officers that were elected were as follows: Mrs. Claud Pulley, vice-president; Mrs. Paul Davis, secretary; Mrs. D.M. Montgomery, treasurer. Mrs. J.N. Permenter was selected as chairman of the social committee; Mrs. J.N. Campbell, chairman of the health committee, and Mrs. W.A. Atkins, chairman of the membership committee.

The speaker for the afternoon was Mrs. Charles U. Harris. Her subject was “The Necessity for Mothers and Fathers to Take a Sympathetic Interest in the Child’s Relation to the School.” The fourth grade gave a very interesting program.

--A. Austin

From the front page of The Raleigh Student, the official publication of the Raleigh Public Schools, Friday, October 17, 1924

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