Monday, October 14, 2024

College Life Should Develop Intellectual, Social, Spiritual Sides, Says Miss Kopf, Oct. 15, 1924

Miss Kopf Justifies Collegiate Training

Miss Kopf in her chapel talk of last Tuesday related two incidents, one of which was about a business man who had never attended college expressed his views, stating that a college education was of no benefit to business men. The second was concerning the will of an old gentleman. This man, again not a college man, left a fortune of $124,000. The conditions were that his nieces and nephews should not receive a penny till after they had graduated from college, and then only a small sum at first. A remark of the old gentleman was quoted: “I do know that if I had received a college education I should have given more to life and gotten more out of life.”

“College life,” said the speaker, “should develop the intellectual, social and spiritual sides of our lives. All round development is what we want.” Four years are not enough for intellectual development, for it is a slow process. The Mentor contains this recommendation, “Learn one thing a day.”

Miss Kopf stated that cramming causes one to lose the connecting links in a field of knowledge. She stressed the necessity of attending to one’s social duties and stated that one should get pleasure out of them. She emphasized the fact that neither side of one’s development should be neglected.

From the front page of The Guilfordian, student newspaper of Guilford College, October 15, 1924

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