Monday, October 14, 2024

Ida Millis, Joseph Purdie, Rufus Fitzgerald, Fred Morris in Alumni News, Oct. 15, 1924

Alumni Notes


Ida E. Millis ’03 is again teaching Latin and tenth and eleventh grade English in the Guilford College high school. This is now a consolidated high school occupying an up-to-date new building located about a mile from the college on the road to Guilford station.

Miss Millis is recording clerk of the New Garden Monthly Meeting and has just been appointed Young Peoples’ Division Superintendent for the Guilford County Sunday School Association.

During the past summer Miss Millis spent several days at Niagara Falls. On her way home she visited Mrs. Hilton Salisbury, formerly Edith Reynolds, who was a student at Guilford in 1920-21. Edith Reynolds was married to Hilton W. Salisbury on March 24, 1924, and is now living at 175 Penhurst St., Rochester, N.Y.


Joseph M. Purdie ’06 is teaching Spanish and French in the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Md. He has held this position for the past seven years.

Mr. Purdie has an A.B. degree from Guilford College and both an A.M. and Ph.D. from Lincoln-Jefferson University.

Since graduating from Guilford Mr. Purdie has spent several years in the mission field. He first finished the work in Mexico which his father, who was a lifelong missionary, had begun. He then went to China where he was principal of the school and did pastoral work at Holguin and Banes. For five years he had charge of the Blue Ridge mission near Mt. Airy, N.C.

Mr. Purdie is a loyal Guilfordian and visits the college almost every summer. His daughter, Lucille, is a member of the present sophomore class.


Rufus H. Fitzgerald ’11 is, at the present time, directing a campaign for $1 million to erect a student activity building on the campus of the State University of Iowa. The contract on the first section of the building has already been let. Besides his duties as director of this financial campaign, Mr. Fitzgerald is a consulting secretary of the Y.M.C.A. of the University of Iowa, member of the Educational Committee of the “National Council of Religion in Higher Education” and an elder in the First Presbyterian church of Iowa City.

In addition to his degree from Guilford College, Mr. Fitzgerald has an M.A. degree from the University of Tennessee, and has done advanced work in Egypt, Palestine, and Syria.

Mr. Fitzgerald has this to say of the denominational college: “After my 12 years’ connection with two state universities, I am a firm believer in the denominational college. Their influence on the state universities and the influence of the state universities on them is one of the finest things in American education.


Fred Morris ’16 is postmaster at Kernersville, N.C. He has, however, been studying law at the University of North Carolina, and successfully passed the bar examination the past summer. He will probably practice law in Winston-Salem after January 1, 1925.

Mr. Morris was on campus yesterday to see the Guilford-Lenoir football game.

From the front page of The Guilfordian, student newspaper of Guilford College, October 15, 1924

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