Monday, October 7, 2024

Mary Crews Wins Studebaker, Mrs. Knott Wins Chevrolet, Oct. 7, 1924

The Judges’ Statement

We, the undersigned, duly appointed to canvass the returns of the Public Ledger Salesmanship Club, do hereby certify that we have compiled the subscriptions turned in by the contestants and the records kept by the campaign department and find the followed named contestants entitled to the prizes in the order named:

Winner of the Studebaker, Miss Mary D. Crews

Winner of the Chevrolet Coupe, Mrs. P.W. Knott

Winner $100 cash Prize, Miss Jeanette Longmire

Winner $50 cash Price, Miss A.B. Clifton

Winner $25 cash Prize, Miss Gladys Duke

Winner $15 cash Prize, Miss Rosa Parham

Extra Prize Winners

Winner of Ford Roadster, Miss Jeannette Longmire

Winner of the 2 million Prize Ballot, Miss Mary D. Crews

--J.B. Young, W.T. Yancey, R.H. Lewis Jr., Judges of the Contest

From the front page of The Oxford Public Ledger, Tuesday, October 7, 1924

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