Monday, October 7, 2024

Miss Williams Elected President of Dramatic Club, Oct. 8, 1924

Dramatic Club Organized by Expression Class. . . First Meeting Held Tuesday Night. . . Miss Mary Lee Williams Elected President

Members of the expression department met last Tuesday evening for the purpose of organizing a drama club. Mr. Leon Willliams was appointed chairman by Miss Scully. The following officers were then elected for the ensuing year: Miss Mary Lee Williams, President; Miss Gwyndolyn Patton, vice president; Mr. Fredinando (Ferdinando??) Bello, secretary; and Miss Mary Price, Maroon and Gold reporter.

After the officers were elected, the instructor, Miss Mary E. Scully, outlined a part of the work for the ensuing year. The members were all enthusiastic and a promising year is expected.

Several splendid readings were given. Miss Alma Smith read “Friends,” Miss Marie Nobles read “White-washing the Fence,” followed by Miss Mary Lee Williams reading “Papa and the Boy.” All these were given in a most pleasing and attractive manner.

Refreshments were then served by Miss Scully, assisted by Miss Lillie Horne.

The following members were present: Misses Alma Smith, Marie Nobles, Lillie Horne, Annie Mae Lackey, Frances Sterrett, Mary Lee Williams, Chiyo Ito, Ruth Klapp, Hannah Newman, Minnie Sockwell, Allene McAdams, Gwendolyn Patton, Grace Hughes, Mary Price and Messrs. Leon Williams, Paul G. Hook, and Ferdinando Bello. The honor guests for the evening were Misses Nelson and Fielding.

From the front page of the Maroon and Gold, the Elon College student newspaper, Wednesday, October 8, 1924. Mr. Bello’s first name was spelled Fredinando on first reference and Ferdinando on second reference. Miss Patton’s first name was spelled Gwyndolyn on first reference and Gwendolyn on second reference.

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