Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Mrs. H.H. Edwards Dies of Stomach Cancer, Oct. 9, 1924

Mrs. H.H. Edwards Dies. . . Former Resident of Polk County Dies at Rutherfordton

Mrs. H.H. Edwards died at her home in Rutherfordton, Saturday morning, October 5 at 3 o’clock. The cause of her death was that dreaded disease, cancer of the stomach. For eight weeks she had been receiving treatment at the Rutherford Hospital. However, any hope of her recovery had been dispelled several weeks before her death. She knew she could not get well, and while she wished to live for the sake of her loved ones, she was not disturbed about dying. The end came quietly and peacefully, apparently without any suffering.

Mrs. Edwards, who before her marriage was Miss Annie Schwenk of Hazelton, Penn., was born October 31, 1878, and was therefore nearly 46 years of age. In 1902 she met Mr. Edwards who was then a young medical student at Maryland Medical College, Baltimore, Md. And later, on October 1893 they were married at Asheville, N.C., coming immediately to Mill spring to live, where Dr. Edwards was practicing medicine. After living there for ?? years, Dr. Edwards have up his practice of medicine and moved to Columbus where they lived until a few weeks ago when they moved to Rutherfordton where Mr. Edwards is engaged in business.

Besides a husband and three children, Aylene, who is a Junior at N.C.C.W. at Greensboro, Dorothy, who graduated at Mearns High School last year, and Thomas, a Senior in High School, Mrs. Edwards leaves a mother, Mrs. L.M. Schwenk of Hazelton, Penn., who has been with her during her illness, two sisters, Mrs. William Hartman of Hazelton, Penn., and Mrs. L. ? Baker of Reading, Penn., a brother, J.H. Schwenk of Chicago, and hundreds of sorrowing friends.

Funeral services were held at the First Baptist Church in Rutherfordton Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock by Dr. M. ? Adams, pastor of the Rutherfordton Baptist Church and Rev. ? A. Stroup, of the Columbus Baptist church, of which the deceased was a faithful member,and the remains were laid to rest in the Rutherfordton Cemetery. The hundreds of friends from Polk County who were present at the funeral attest the love and high esteem in which Mrs. Edwards was held in this, her adopted county, where she has lived since coming South 21 years ago.

From the front page of the Polk County News, Tryon, N.C., October 9, 1924


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