Saturday, March 15, 2025

Buie News from Mrs. W.H.M. Brown, March 16, 1925

Buie News Items. . . March Planted Corn—The Bible and the Legislature—Personal

Mrs. W.H.M. Brown

Buies, Mar. 14—Mr. D.B. McQueen, who for several years prior to going to Albemarle a year ago made his home at Pembroke, was a visitor here Wednesday. Mr. McQueen now represents the Palmer Stone works. His sister married Mr. A.T. Parmele, and was very well known in this section several years ago as Miss Belle McQueen. She taught music at Philadelphus for some time. Mr. McQueen and another brother also were engaged in work near Philadelphus for a short time several years ago. His brother, who is a well-known lawyer of Raeford, represented that district as Senator during the past session of the Legislature.

Mr. H.F. Walters is another one who has put in for an early crop of corn. Mr. Walters says he planted some corn the past week. Should the weather continue warm the early planters will have a splendid chance of making a good corn crop. Corn planted in March, when it comes up and is not killed by the frost, usually makes better than planted at any other season.

Mr. R. Stanton, Mr. and Mrs. A.C. McLeod, Messrs. Norman McLeod and W.H. Graham were Lumberton visitors Wednesday.

Mr. W.L. Alexander was a visitor of Antioch Thursday.

Mr. W.H. Graham is spending a day or two in Richmond, Va.

Prof. Smith of the high school faculty of Philadelphus was a visitor here Thursday.

Messrs. H.B. Ashley Jr. and Walter McMillan were Lumberton visitors Wednesday.

Mr. H.B. Ashley Sr. of Red Springs was a visitor here Wednesday.

Rev. William Black, in a sermon preached at Fairmont last Sunday night, commenting on the Bible, said that the Legislature of North Carolina went on record as being against the Bible, although he said that they might not have understood fully. Dr. Black also in his remarks said that if the proper teachers of the Bible should be eliminated from our churches, this country would soon go to wreck and ruin.

From page 3 of The Robesonian, Lumberton, N.C., March 16, 1925

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