Saturday, March 15, 2025

Florence Willoughby Shares Smyrna News, March 16, 1925

Smyrna News Items. . . Farmers Making Good Use of Fine Weather—Glad for Men Like Deputy Smith

By Florence Willoughby

Lumberton, R 4, March 14—Farmers in this part of the county are making good use of the beautiful days that we are being blessed with.

Little Miss Inez Hayes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hayes, is home again from Gastonia, where she spent some 3 or 4 months. Altho she underwent several operations for deformity, she is reported as showing marked signs of improvement, which we are glad to note.

Mr. and Mrs. Grady Stone of the Long Branch section were visitors at the home of Mrs. Stone’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. McQ. Rowan, Sunday. Also Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Stone were visitors at Mr. Rowan’s.

We are glad there are men like Deputy W.W. Smith of Maxton that bring in seven of the devil’s tools in one week. Mr. Smith ain’t one of those weak-minded fellows that ain’t got nerve. No! No! It’s the ones that make the poison stuff and the fellow who drinks it that’s the weakling and the scrub, such as the world don’t need for the drunkard shall come to poverty, whether he drinks little or much, he’s a drunkard just the same. We don’t care if we are honest if dry agents do search our vehicles.

From page 3 of The Robesonian, Lumberton, N.C., March 16, 1925

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