Red Springs, March 14—Last Monday evening in the college auditorium the first spring graduating recital was given by Miss Claudia Maynard, piano, assisted by Miss Lucile Tate, voice. Miss Grace Goodman of Red Springs (also finishing in piano this year) was a most sympathetic and accomplished accompanist. Miss Maynard gave a lovely and attention-holding recital. Her Bach numbers were faultless and her Arabesque brought enthusiastic applause. Never has Miss Tate’s sweet and clear voice been heard to better advantage. The auditorium was filled and appreciative flowers were taken up between numbers. Ushers were Margaret Hansel, Lucille Walker, Elizabeth Barr, Annie Louise Thompson and Luola McCormack.
Miss Watkins was at the Philadelphus church last Sunday and gave an interesting and instructive talk in the afternoon.
George DuPuy of Red Springs, who was graduated at Davidson last year and is now working in Greensboro, was home for the past week-end on a visit to his mother, Mrs. George DuPuy.
The college faculty were guests of honor at the last meeting of the Vardell Music club. It was held in the college parlors, Misses Marjorie Orton and Louise Mandeville being hostesses. The program was opened with a piano solo, “Cantique d’Amorn,” by Miss Grace Goodman. Mrs. Duncan sung the “love Song.” Liszt was taken up as a subject and his Rhapsodie No. 11 was beautifully rendered by Miss Orton. The story of the “Lorelia” was told and the piece sung. An ice course was served.
Misses Watkins, Conoly, McNeil and Brown were charmingly entertained in Raeford by supper at Mrs. W.T. McLoughlins March 9th.
Last Thursday night Miss Mary McEachern’s little piano pupils gave a novel and interesting programme in the school auditorium. The first part of the recital was composed of solos and duets which were rendered ably. The Kinscella method of teaching was demonstrated with the Victrola. Miss McEachern has studied this method at Chapel Hill, and the audience was astonished to see how much she has done with it here in Red Springs. Eighteen dollars was realized for badly-needed equipment.
From the front page of The Robesonian, Lumberton, N.C., March 16, 1925
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