From Greensboro Daily News, March 15
F.L. Blue of Robeson county, who for the past several months has been connected with Poole and blue of this city, has just received a letter from Dr. W.L. Poteat, president of Wake Forest College, congratulating him on the success of his son Frank Lee Blue Jr., who has been a student in Wake Forest college for the past year and recently received an appointment to West Point from the sixth congressional district.
“One of the professors,” writes Dr. Poteat, “tells me that it is a hard matter to reduce the boy’s grade to 99.” His work has been of such a distinguishing character than mental examination for entrance into the national military school was waived, according to advice from Dr. Poteat. The young man has just returned to Wake Forest college after taking the physical examination at Fort McPherson, Ga. Although no official report has been made, it is announced that he passed his examination. In this case he will leave for West Point July 1.
Frank Blue Jr. is only 17 years old. He graduated from Fairmont high school last June with the highest honors and has been creating quite a sensation by his scholastic work in the Baptist institution.
From the front page of The Robesonian, Lumberton, N.C., March 16, 1925
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