Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Girls' Athletic Association Elects Officers, Oct. 17, 1924

Girls Begin Work in Athletics. . . Interest Manifested in Sports Encouraging This Year

The chairman of the various sports of the Girls’ Athletic Association were elected at a recent meeting. They are as follows:

Tennis—Susanne Tucker.

Hiking—Laura Mabel Haywood.

Swimming—Mary O. Ellington.

Hockey—Helen Thomas.

Basketball—Mary Alice Harding.

The physical training classes for girls were held at the Y.M.C.A. last Tuesday. There were 12 girls present at the first period and 12 at the third period. Twenty-six girls reported at the fourth period, and much enthusiasm was shown in the wand drill and the games that were played.

From the front page of The Raleigh Student, the official publication of the Raleigh Public Schools, Friday, October 17, 1924

Officers for "Purple and Gold" and Annual Elected, Oct. 17, 1924

Election Staff Officers Big Feature of Meeting. . . Officers for “Purple and Gold” and Annual Elected; Prospects for Year Are Good

The election of the officers for the Purple and Gold and the Annual was the chief item in the business discussed at the Senior class meeting Friday, October 10 at 6 o’clock, in the cafeteria. This meeting was the second of the year and was in the form of a supper. Several other points discussed were, first, the change of time of the class meeting. Hereafter a business meeting will be held every other month after school, and some form of entertainment every other month at night.

The matter of class stationery was brought up and referred to a committee composed of Katherine Fleming, chairman; Lenora Scott and Franklin Gaffney. The committee will report to the class as soon as possible.

The election of the staff officers was of most interest, and the results were as follows:

For the “Purple and Gold”:

Laura Mabel Haywood—Editor-in-Chief

Mary Alice Harding—Business Manager

Katherine Fleming—Exchange Editor

Frank Terrell—Art Editor

Alton Askew—Joke Editor

For the Annual:

Dallas Sherman—Editor-in-Chief

Eugenic Riddick—Associate Editor

Franklin Gaffney—Business Manager

Glenn Lassiter—Associate Business Manager

Susanne Tucker—Art Editor

Miss Holton will have charge of the magazine this year, and it is hoped that the “Purple and Gold” will have as successful a year this year as it had last year.

Mr. Wessinger spoke very encouragingly about the prospects for a real annual this year.

From the front page of The Raleigh Student, the official publication of the Raleigh Public Schools, Friday, October 17, 1924

Raleigh High School Honor Roll, Oct. 17, 1924

Honor Roll of S.H.S.

Room 9—Miss Efird

Katharine Fleming

Elizabeth Cauthen

Laura Mabel Haywood

Virginia Mitchell

Virginia Ratcliffe

Room 15—Mrs. Brantley

Henry Sang

Frances Doolittle

Room 7—Miss Holton

Rebecca Bowen

Susie Tucker

John Henry Highsmith

Room 2—Miss Lamb

Dorothy Evans

Ann Lee Lazarus

Room 8—Miss Borden

Catherine Pittman

Esther Morris

Study Hall—Mrs. Connor

Maggie Payne

Room 10—Miss Coffey

Eloise Banning

Anne Thacker

Roy Franklin

Room 11—Miss McClees

Elsie Williamson

Albert Stanbury

Room 22—Mr. Roller

Dan Stewart

Room 14—Mrs. Covington

Marie Browne

Arthur Bridgers

Room 5—Miss Wright

W.M. Upchurch

Madge Brigman

From the front page of The Raleigh Student, the official publication of the Raleigh Public Schools, Friday, October 17, 1924

Murphey School Will Send Mrs. W.T. Bost to State PTA Meeting, Oct. 17, 1924

Murphey Parent-Teachers’ Association

The Parent-Teachers' Association of Murphey School held its monthly meeting October 10, 1924. Mrs. W.T. Bost was elected as delegate to the State Parent-Teachers’ meeting, which is to be held in Durham next month. Mrs. W.B. Drake reported the new plans for the playground. The playground is to be equipped by the Murphey Association, which will spend $100 on improvements. The school grounds are to be made more convenient for more extensive types of play.

Miss Mildred English, assistant superintendent of the public school, and Mr. C.R. Wood, supervisor of playground and recreational activities, made short talks to the mothers especially. Mr. W.A. Potter, supervisor of music, delightfully rendered a musical program of songs with the children.

From the front page of The Raleigh Student, the official publication of the Raleigh Public Schools, Friday, October 17, 1924

Thompson School PTA Holds Social, Oct. 17, 1924

Thompson School Parent-Teachers Have Social

Instead of having strictly a business meeting, the regular meeting of the Thompson School Parent-Teachers’ Association has turned into a social for the teachers. A brilliant and interesting program of songs, music, and clever recitations was given by Miss Jennie Proctor, Miss Margaret Highsmith, Mrs. Holland, Mrs. C.P. Noble, Misses Margaret Harrington and Elouise Williamson. Miss Godwin’s third grade won the attendance prize. About 75 mothers were present.

From the front page of The Raleigh Student, the official publication of the Raleigh Public Schools, Friday, October 17, 1924

PTA Reception for Wiley Teachers, Oct. 17, 1924

Reception for Wiley Teachers

At the regular monthly meeting of the Wiley Parent-Teachers’ Association the teachers were honor guests at a reception given in the new Wiley School building. Children in the fourth grade rendered a group of songs, and there were exercises by the sixth grade. Little Miss Mary Shaw Crosser sang a pretty solo.

The attendance banner for having the largest number of mothers present was won by Miss Bates’ first grade. These mothers were presented with tickets to a local theater.

Delicious refreshments were served after the business session of the meeting.


From the front page of The Raleigh Student, the official publication of the Raleigh Public Schools, Friday, October 17, 1924

Caraleigh PTA Elects Mrs. William Card President, Oct. 17, 1924

Caraleigh Parent-Teachers’ Association

Mrs. William Card was elected president of the Caraleigh Parent-Teachers’ Association at the first regular meeting. The officers that were elected were as follows: Mrs. Claud Pulley, vice-president; Mrs. Paul Davis, secretary; Mrs. D.M. Montgomery, treasurer. Mrs. J.N. Permenter was selected as chairman of the social committee; Mrs. J.N. Campbell, chairman of the health committee, and Mrs. W.A. Atkins, chairman of the membership committee.

The speaker for the afternoon was Mrs. Charles U. Harris. Her subject was “The Necessity for Mothers and Fathers to Take a Sympathetic Interest in the Child’s Relation to the School.” The fourth grade gave a very interesting program.

--A. Austin

From the front page of The Raleigh Student, the official publication of the Raleigh Public Schools, Friday, October 17, 1924