Sunday, March 31, 2019

Sgt. Smith, Joseph Murphy Cited for Bravery in France, March 31, 1919

From The Hickory Daily Record, March 31, 1919

Two Hickory Boys Cited for Bravery

Sergt. James Smith and Mr. Joseph L. Murphy have been cited by their regimental commander for bravery, Sergeant Smith for advancing through shell fire in the Argonne-Meuse sector and Mr. Murphy for attacking a machine gun nest in the St. Mihiel salient in September. Both boys are members of the Rainbow Division.

This information was contained in a letter received from Mr. Murphy today by Mr. A.A. Whitener. The young main said the 42nd Division would sale from Rotterdam soon.

News From Across Polk County, March 28 1919

From the Polk County News and The Tryon Bee, Friday, March 28, 1919


Mr. Joe D. Hall was landed at Newport News, Va., from overseas service, and his friends are eagerly awaiting his return to Polk county.

Mr. and Mrs. M.L. Taft went to Asheville Tuesday. Mr. Taft has been in bad health for some time, and has gone to place himself in the care of a specialist.

The Junior Order is taking on new life. Messrs. Wayne Creasman and Earl Hudson were reinstated, and Mr. Raymond Jackson took his first degree Tuesday night.

The many friends of Mrs. Giles and daughter, Miss Matilda, will be pleased to learn that they have arrived safely in England. They report a most pleasant and enjoyable voyage.

Rev. Wm. Chedester was married to Miss Bessie Stephenson at the residence of Mr. James Rion in Tryon, Wednesday morning, March 28th. Dr. Smith of Asheville performed the ceremony.

Mrs. W.B. Rankin and daughter returned home from New Orleans last Tuesday, where they spent the winter. After remaining in Tryon but a short while they went on to Asheville where they will visit relatives.

Lieut. McCahill has won the everlasting gratitude of some of Tryon’s future Ty Cobbs by the donation of a lot of baseballs and bats. Soon may we expect the McCahills to be ready to wallop any and all antagonists.

This paper is in constant receipt of inquiries regarding suitable houses and apartments for summer visitors. Not all people like the high altitude of some of the other resorts. There is no reason why Tryon should not become as popular summer resort as it is a winter resort at present.

Mr. C.M. Howes made a call Wednesday and told us the reason no work had been done on the Tryon-Saluda highway was owing to a shortage of labor. They were also awaiting the appointment of a new highway commission by Gov. Bickett. That has since taken place, so we presume it will not be long until work will begin on this project.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Avant entertained the Chedester-Stephenson bridal party at dinner Tuesday evening. The Avant home was tastefully decorated for the occasion with jonquils and ferns. The color scheme was also carried out in the table decorations, the bon bon dishes, etc., being made to represent jonquils. The cutting of the wedding cake and many toasts to the bride were much enjoyed, and altogether it was a very happy occasion.


The entertainment given by Stearns High School Saturday night included plays by Mrs. Jack, a minstrel show by the High School, and an old-time singing by the Betterment Club. Cakes and homemade candy were sold. Proceeds amounted to $24.71.

Last Sunday morning Rev. E.J. Jones helped reorganize a Philithea class at the Baptist church. The following officers were elected: President, Miss Emma McNich; Vice-President, Mrs. H.H. Edwards; Secretary and Treasurer, Miss Mae Mills; Teacher, Rev. E.J. Jones; Substitute Teacher, Mr. J.R. Sams.
Miss Lizzie Dedmond has returned home from an extended visit to relatives in Clinton, S.C.
Mr. G.W. Rice is in Augusta, Ga.

Mountain View

Mrs. Martin McCrain, who has been very ill, is improving.

Mr. Caldwell Jackson, son of Henry T. Jackson, died at his home Monday night. He leaves a wife and four children to mourn his loss, also many relatives. His remains were interred in Mountain View cemetery Wednesday.

Mrs. H.H. McCrain visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert of Route 1, last week.

Mr. and Mrs. L.B. McGraw made a business trip to Tryon Monday last.

Mill Spring

Rev. Hamrick was unable to preach for us Sunday but he sent Rev. White in his place.

Misses Bertha Dalton, Esther Gibbs and Letha Barber attended teachers’ meeting at Columbus Saturday.

On account of the rain not many of the young folks attended the birthday party in honor of Clarence Gibbs Saturday night.

Mr. and Mrs. C.M. Dicus have moved to Inman, S.C.

Miss Sue Gibbs and brother Hubert of Stearns High School visited home folks last week-end.

Don’t forget the box supper at Silver Creek Saturday night March 22.

Mrs. Edgar Jones is spending a few days in Spartanburg this week.


Some of our citizens have recently purchased teams. Some horses and some mules; with a view of farming. It’s to be hoped that more farming will be done than has been done in the past. There has been more interest in stock, poultry and fruits shown than ever before. All this is being advised and enforced by our county demonstrator, Mr. J.R. Sams.

Well, Bro Fishtop, let us know about the railroad survey. Where does it begin and where will it terminate?

Last week we got a little gay and boasted of our progressiveness over the fact that the school tax was voted without a single opponent. Now we don’t want to have to take back what we said. Let us progress a little further and finish this nice church building that has been started a long time ago. A proposition has been made to the people of Lynn that for every dollar raised by them two will be added. Now don’t you think this is a liberal proposition? One that should be met and complied with at once. Now let every one who desires to see the completion of this church see the pastor, Dr. Pratt, and for every dollar you give, rest assured that two more will be added.

A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Edwards Jr. March 14th. Both mother and babe are doing well. Congratulations.

Hon. W.F. Swann arrived at his home one day last week, after two months stay in Raleigh, as Representative of Polk county in the legislature.

A.N. Kunkle is having his store building touched up with a fresh coat of paint. Mr. J.G. Monroe of Tryon is wielding the paint brush.

Mr. A.N. Kunkle has a brother from Portsmouth, Va., visiting him.

Mr. W.A. Rollins is moving to the place he purchased at the sale of the old Ballenger place recently.
Some colored people near here last Sunday evening amused themselves by a little pitched battle at the home of Lizzie Peak, and after the smoke of battle had cleared away it was found that Lizzie had received a serious wound, which afterward proved fatal. One Lindsey Moore, the man who did the shooting, made his escape. A coroner’s inquest was held Monday. Sheriff Jackson has two or three under arrest as being implicated in the killing.


Mr. Robert Owens and Miss Clara Taylor were married Sunday afternoon.

Miss Lola Bright Falls is teaching at Hillcrest Institute during Mr. Hunter’s convalescence.

Mr. Bill Greenway is critically ill.

Miss Julia Abrams is staying at Tryon for awhile.

Misses Margaret and Ruth Brian spent the week-end with their aunts, the Misses Moore.

Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Moore spent Sunday in Spartanburg county with Mrs. Moore’s brother, who has just come home from the army.

Messrs. Lack and Wylie Bridges were done at their old stamping grounds, Sandy Plains, Sunday.
A number of young people gathered for a song-fest at Mr. Jolly’s Saturday evening.

The Farmers’ Cooperative Association held a very successful meeting at the Greens Creek High School Saturday afternoon. The Association will doubtless become a force for good in Greens Creek township. Among other things, it was decided to organize a Boys’ Corn Club and a Girls’ Canning Club, and to hold a community fair in the fall. The regular time for meeting is the fourth Saturday afternoon at Greens Creek High School, but a special meeting has been called for Saturday, March 29th, at 2:30 p.m. All farmers in Greens Creek township are invited to attend.

Sunny View

Pshaw, we were feeling good over the election. Forty-three registered; 11 voted against the taxes and 21 for.

Mr. Ralph Edwards was a caller at Mr. N.E. Williams’ Sunday.

Mr. Willie Mills has purchased a new motor car.

Mr. Pitts of Spartanburg has purchased a farm near here and moved on to it.

Mr. Ernest Ruff sailed for Brest, France, last week, on a transport which is to bring soldiers of the Rainbow Division home.

Mr. T.F. ills and Mr. Pitts have been busy for the past month building new dwellings.

Some of our soldier boys who are in Germany report that they have been to the ex-Kaiser’s castle and have had a wonderful time.

Mr. Posey Brown of Spartanburg is visiting in this section.

Mr. T.P. Brown and family left last week for Tennessee, where they have bought a farm.

The 30th Division (Old Hickory) will land on March 29th. We feel sure there will be many hearts made glad, while some will be sad, as two Polk county boys who were in this division were killed on the battle field of Europe, on Sept. 29th, 1918.

Melvin Hill

Miss Martha Sanders celebrated her 84th birthday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Stacy, last Sunday. There were quite a few of her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren at the dinner, and she was the recipient of several presents.

Elder G.A. Branscom arrived home from Kissimee, Florida, Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. G.B. Sanders and children of Green River spent Sunday with relatives at Melvin Hill.
Messrs. Joe and Ben Morris, twin brothers, visited their mother, Mrs. Mary Morris, last Sunday.
Mrs. Nat Edwards has gone to Rutherfordton hospital for treatment.

Mr. Boyd Cole of Green River visited friends here last Sunday.

Farmers are getting earnest about turning land now, as there has been a week of good weather.
Mrs. Branscom is still quite poorly but we hope she will soon be around again.


Mrs. Clara Feagan and little daughter, Cleo, were delightfully entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. E. Pace Saturday evening, from 6 to 9.

There was a signing at Mountain Valley church Sunday evening.

Someone set a fire on Laurel Mountain Saturday and burned over the entire mountain, doing considerable damage, especially timber, burning over 100 acres before it was checked finally Sunday evening. A few people in this county need a lesson taught them and the sooner the better.
If there is anybody who wants to work, he can get a job here, as the farmers are so badly behind they would be glad to welcome a few laborers to their fold.

The Fishtop school closed Saturday, March 22nd, with an entertaining program by the four graduates of the school. The school room was beautifully decorated with ivy, spruce and ferns. The chairs of the graduating class were beautifully draped with the class colors, gold and black. “Here We Gather Every Morning” was the welcoming address by Elma Newman, followed by the song “We Are Climbing Learning Hill.” Class history given by Avaree Jones followed by the song “We’ve Gone Out From This Course of Study.” Estella Pace gave the class last will and testament, followed by the song “Twas a Long Way to Graduation But Now We’re Right There.” Class Prophecy by Eva Pace; song, “Flow Gently Green River; Farewell address by Estella Pace, followed by the song “Good-bye” sung and played by the teacher. An interesting talk was then given by Mr. Thos. E. Pace, after which the pupils reassembled to their homes, feeling that there were not sufficient funds to continue the school longer. The committee and patrons of the school are well pleased with the services of the teacher, who did not have a fair chance to show her ability on account of much sickness among the students.

Carolina Playmakers Featured Three One-Act Plays by Sparrow, Wolfe, Lay, March 28, 1919

From The Tar Heel, Chapel Hill, N.C., March 28, 1919

Carolina Playmakers in Initial Program Score Great Success. . . In Well-Balanced Program of Three One-Act Plays

The Carolina Playmakers gave two very successful performances of original Folk Plays in the Play House Friday and Saturday nights, March 15 and 16. The program consisted of three one-act plays: “What Will Barbara Say?” by Miss Minnie Sparrow; “The Return of Bick Gavin” by Thomas Wolfe; and “When Witches Ride” by Miss Elizabeth Lay.

The first play is a clever comedy of college life at Carolina, with pretty co-eds, lovelorn students, moonlight in the arboretum, and the spirit of youthful love which succeeds in ensnaring all except Barbara, who is the leader of the cause of the women versus the men. Naturally this play made a strong appeal to the Carolina men who packed the house on both nights.

“The Return of Buck Gavin” struck an entirely different note. Here was the tragedy of a mountaineer outlaw who returns to his home in order to put a flower on the grave of his old friend, knowing full well that in doing so he will be caught by the revenue officers. This apparently trivial incident was very well handled by Mr. Wolfe as the basis for a wonderfully gripping bit of character study and mountaineer psychology. It got across to the audience too. There was no trace of the tendency often seen in college audiences of laughing at the serious moments. The average man in the audience will probably remember this play for many a day.

“When Witches Ride” is best described by the word tremendous. This play of old folk superstition in Northampton County was trilling, absolutely took your breath away. Miss Lay has appealed to the sense of mystery and superstition in every one of us and succeeded in making us live and feel with the superstitious old country folk of the past Every trick of dramatic technique is skillfully used to produce the atmosphere, but the technique is so artfully hidden that only the person of critical mind would think of it; and the effect upon the spectator is to thrill him by the mystery and weirdness of the thing. Mrs. Leavitt’s interpretation of the role of the witch was acting of a high order of excellence. Mr. Denny as the boasting old engineer was also very good. This play was a fitting climax to a strong program.

The acting in all three plays was excellent on the whole; and the artistic effect of the production was enhanced by beautiful scenery and costumes, complicated lighting and stage effects, and appropriate incidental music.

The production as a whole marks the beginning of a new epoch in dramatic and literary activities at Carolina. The reign of amateurishness in dramatics is over. The great success of these performances have demonstrated the real artistic possibilities of a community organization working under capable and enthusiastic leadership. Doubtless, after such a good beginning, Professor Koch will go on to make even greater triumphs for his Playmakers.

Wilson Patients With Lung Trouble Examined for Tuberculosis, March 29, 1919

From The Daily Times, Wilson, N.C., March 29, 1919. Sanitarium was the first state institute for treating tuberculosis. It was opened in 1908.

Examined Patients

Dr. McCain of Sanitarium, who was here yesterday, examined suspected cases of lung trouble which had been brought to his attention by Dr. Smith of the Health Board And the physicians of the county. Some of these will go to Sanitarium for treatment, while others will be kept at home under the care of local physicians.

Dr. McCain states that 50 per cent of the cases sent to his institution for treatment recover and are able to resume their work. This erection of new buildings will enable the institution to care for 39 per cent more patients than heretofore.

The coming of Dr. McCain to this city to examine suspected cases  here is unusual and is the result of the activity of Dr. Smith of the Health Department who speaks highly of the hospital at Sanitarium and says that it should be liberally patronized by North Carolina people.

Northern and Southern Presbyterians to Vote on Uniting, March 29, 1919

From The Daily Times, Wilson, N.C., March 29, 1919

Union of Northern and Southern Presbyterians

Petersburg, Va., March 28—The Committee on the Union of the General Assembly of the Northern and Southern Presbyterian organizations, which met here yesterday, reached a tentative agreement for the merging of the bodies into a federal General Assembly it became known here today. The tentative plans have not been made public but it is announced that the general Northern Assembly will meet May 15th in St. Louis, Mo., in order to consider a proposal that the Southern General Assembly shall meet in New Orleans on the same date.

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Hickory Continues Welcome of Artillery Boys Home From France, March 29, 1919

From the Hickory Daily Record, March 29, 1919

Give Welcome To Returning Soldiers

By the Associated Press

Wilmington, N.C., March 29—Business was at a standstill today for several hours here while the city paid tribute to its returning soldiers and sailors. The 115th machine gun battalion, 30th division, arrived at midnight and at 11 o’clock today paraded the main thoroughfares of the city.

They were welcomed home on behalf of the state by Congressman Brinson of the third district and on behalf of the city by Mayor Moore.

Nearly all of the men were from eastern North Carolina. They will report to Camp Jackson to be mustered out.


Another Hickory Boy Wins His Promotion

Dr. Albert Gaither Hahn, who went over as a lieutenant, has been promoted to a captain, the good news coming in a letter this week to his father, Mr. D.E. Hahn, from Marseilles, France, under date of March 8. Captain Hahn is billeted at this southern city and likes it much. He has no idea when he will return to the states.


From the Hickory Daily Record, March 29, 1919

Artillery Boys, Just Back From France, Eager to Greet Home Folks. . . Great Crowd Sees the Soldiers Here

Hickory people today gave welcome to the members of Battery E, 113th artillery, fresh from France, where they took an active part in shelling the Germans; fresher from Raleigh, where they paraded and participated in a monster barbecue and celebration in honor of the regiment, and fresher still from Camp Jackson, where they were discharged from the service.

In the crowd which assembled in Hickory today were numbers of Caldwell people, impatient to see relatives and friends, and desirous of speeding home with their boys. The usual Saturday crowds in Hickory were swelled by hundreds who came in to greet old friends and to rejoice at the home-coming.

The welcome was gladsome and the artillerymen were all smiles. Some of the boys who went across did not return. They gave their young lives in defense of country and they sleep on French soil, hallowed with hero’s blood. A number of the Lenoir battery men are well known in Hickory and their commander, Capt. Wade V. Bowman, is a Hickory boy.

Chaplain Ben Lacy, known affectionately as “fighting man,’ journeyed home with the boys.

The soldiers were not fed by the local canteen, but there was a reason. That pleasure by request was left for Lenoir folks, who planned to do the job in much style.

Hickory people who thronged around the train wanted to know about the 105th engineers, and were assured that these boys would be coming forthwith. It takes time, these artillerymen would say, to move an army—gosh, didn’t they know how long it took for themselves to be brought over after they had been designated for the home-coming.

It was 1:30 this afternoon when No. 10 pulled out with its cargo of impatient humanity for Lenoir, amid the greetings of friends. The crowd began assembling at the station by 11 o’clock and many waited over an hour for their arrival. Others joined the crows and the artillerymen were given a glad welcome.

What they wanted most, however, was go get home. That was the great appeal for them.

A special train left Hickory at noon carrying persons from this section for the celebration.

Local News In Graham Paper, March 26, 1919

From The Alamance Gleaner, Graham, N.C., March 26, 1919

Local News

Peach trees are in full bloom. The mild weather has brought them out. There was frost and a little ice Monday and Tuesday morning.

Garden making still goes on. It means a home supply of vegetables for the family table.

Sunday at the home of Mrs. Nannie Poythress, Mr. D.B. Bass and Miss Nora Rudd, both of Burlington, were united in marriage, Squire T.P. Bradshaw, Justice of the Peace, officiating.

An oyster supper and Brunswick stew will be given here by the Republicans tomorrow (Friday) night. Well, yes, there is going to be a town election about six weeks hence.

The Ladies’ Aid Society and Missionary Study Class of Graham Christian church will meet at 3 o’clock Wednesday afternoon, April 2nd, with Mrs. Walter R. Harden.

Mr. G. Oroon Rogers is now out of the hospital where he has been about four weeks under treatment on account of an accidental wound in the foot. He is doing as well as could be expected owing to the severity of the wound.

Mrs. C.S. Hunter on yesterday commenced to move to her home on North Main Street, next to the Opera House. She has had the interior of the residence completely overhauled and renovated. Many changes have been made which add to its appearance, convenience and comfort.

There was a slight blaze at the home of Mr. Chas. D. Johnston Monday afternoon. A lot of trash was being burned on a near-by lot and a spark fell among the trash in a gutter at Mr. Johnson’s home and set it afire. The fire alarm was sounded, but by the time the firemen could reach the place the fire was out. The damage was very slight. (Last name spelled Johnston first and then Johnson.)

Dr. J.J. Barefoot was agreeably surprised a few days ago on receiving his commission as a Major. He was not aware of the honor until he received the commission, which bears date three days before his discharge. It had gone round from camp to camp until it found him.

Green & McClure Furniture Co. has bought the large double store building, the Oneida store building, from Mr. L. Banks Holt. They will put in a new, up-to-date front and otherwise improve the property, preparatory to moving in about the first of May. As soon as the Green & McClure Furniture Co. vacate their present quarters the Graham Hardware Co. will move in.

Among those who went from Graham to Raleigh Monday to see the 113th Artillery parade were the following: Dr. and Mrs. J.J. Barefoot, Mr. and Mrs. J. Elmer Long, Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Henderson,Mesdames J.L. Scott Jr. and C.W. Causey, Misses Blanche Scott, Josephine Thomas, Estelle Brown and Lorena Kernodle, Messrs. Wm. I. Ward, Dewey Farrell and Frank Stockard.

Mr. Clifford Cooke has just returned, having received his discharge a few days ago. He went overseas, attached to the Coast Artillery.

Lt. Ralph Steele of Gibsonville spent the first of the week here.

Capt. S.H. Webb, near Oaks, was in town Friday.

Misses Annie Watson Moore, Annie Laurie Farrell, Annie Ben Long, and Conley Albright, in school at the State College, Greensboro, spent the week-end at their homes here. Miss Albright was accompanied by Miss Ivora Tripp.

Mr. Roy Long, who is now in the drug business in Hickory, spent Sunday here with Mrs. Long and their little daughter at Mr. A. Lacy Holt’s.

Mr. B.N. Turner was up town Tuesday for the first time after being confined to his home for seven weeks.

Mrs. Chas. D. Johnston and Master Charles and little Miss Sarah have been quite sick, but all are reported better.

Mrs. Ben B. Holt and children are sick with influenza.

Mr. Junius Johnson of High Point made us a pleasant call this morning. He is a civil engineer and has been doing some work at Mebane. He is the son of the late Prof. L. Johnson, who was the Professor of Mathematics at old Trinity in Randolph. The writer has not seen him since he was a lad in his teens.

The recent fine days have enticed a number to get together the hook and line and hie themselves away to some favorite fishing hole. Some have brought back fine strings of fish.

Farmers Can't Afford to Back-Slide, Says Uncle Josh, March 27, 1919

From the French Broad Hustler, Hendersonville, N.C., Thursday, March 27, 1919.


By Uncle Josh

Say, what would you all say if there should step up before you all and says as how you must stop being progressive and drop back into the habits and customs what yer great great grandfathers practiced? I allow as how you all would jist about run that there person out of this here country. Some of you all would git gol durned mad and tell that there feller as how he was hindering the progress of civilization and that you all was aiming ter git all the knowledge and education what yer could, and that you all did not want yer children ter hev ter live as you all did. Now ain’t I about right?

Now this here state of North Carolina is a pretty good old state and so is Henderson county a fine county and there are lots of durned good people in it. And we don’t want no other state or no other county in our state ter be more progressive than we all are.

Now there are in this here Henderson county some pretty good farmers what raise fine crops, but agin there be lots who don’t know much about farming  and raise pretty poor crops. Corse these here poor farmers sure allow as how they are as good as the best, but they don’t raise the crops and don’t make the money as what some others do.

None of we uns farm jist ter be farming. If we do, there sure is something wrong with us and we should see a doctor at onct. I allow as how all of us are farming fer what money we all can make out of it. Some of we uns are pretty hard headed and think as how we know more about farming than anyone else. That there may not be true jist because we hev been farming fer a good many years. We can usualy find some other feller if we look long enough, what raised bigger crops and makes more money from the same number of acres as what we do.

Now the only way ter improve our methods and get so we can raise bigger crops and make more money at the game of farming is ter try some of the things what them thee more successful fellers do. But you all can’t git around ter visit all the better farms in the county and you all probably don’t take time ter read about them there things so how are yu all going ter improve yer methods? Lots of you let your apples rot because yer don’t know where ter sell them. Lots of you have a poor yield of corn fer you don’t know how ter select your seed corn.

For about 15 years the government has been trying to help we uns farm in such a way as how we will make more money and live happier lives. Away back in 1904 Congress appropriated $27,000 for Farm Demonstration work, just as a sort of experiment. It did so much that first year that they increased it each year until now this here congressional appropriation is nearly a million dollars. And for every dollar what Congress spends the various states spend an equal amount. It is a good thing or elst the Government would not be spending money on it.

There are now in North Carolina over 100 Farm Demonstrators and up until the County Commissioners of this here county told our Farm Demonstrator that he was out of a job, there were only seven counties in this state what did not have a Farm Demonstrator. But now I allow as how we are to be numbered among the back-sliders and people all over the country will point to we uns and say as how we are either too poor to support a Farm Demonstrator or that we uns know so much we don’t need one. But I give you all fair warning as how your Uncle Josh is going ter leave this here county if there aint no Farm Demonstrator pretty soon. I allow as how I might go to a county where they hev one. How about you uns?

If the editor of this here paper allows me to and the Lord lets me live another week, your Uncle Josh will give you all some hot stuff next week what will bring tears to the eyes of them what is opposed to the Farm Demonstrator and the progress of Civilization.

Festus Reinhart, Slave Taken By British Soldiers in 1780, Returned to HIs Master by Adam Reep

From the Hickory Daily Record, March 29, 1919

Festus Reinhardt

Christian Reinhardt was one of the first settlers of Lincoln county and lived near the base of the rising battle ground on which he fought the battle of Ramsour’s Mill on June 20, 1780. He carried on a tan yard on his farm. He owned a valuable servant who went by the name of Festus. This valuable servant spent the most of his time in making good sole and upper leather for the surrounding country. This servant was greatly attached to his master, who was kind to him. Lord Cornwallis spent a few days with his army on the battle ground. Some of the British solders forced Festus very much against his will to go with them when they left the battle ground.

Adam Reep was a noted Whig in the days of the Revolution. He with some other Whigs soon found out where the negro was and managed to recover him from the British camp. In a few days he was restored to his rightful owner.
--J.H. Shuford

Friday, March 29, 2019

Bury Our Heroes Here, Whites in Maplewood and Colored in Oak Cemetery, March 29, 1919

From The Daily Times, Wilson, N.C., March 29, 1919

Bury Our Heroes Here

The War Department is sending cards to those who have lost relatives in France, asking for instructions as to whether they want the remains returned to their home or not. We think it would be the proper thing for the remains of all the Wilson county boys to be returned to Wilson and a plot in Maplewood Cemetery set apart for the while soldiers who lost their lives in France, and a plot in Oak Cemetery for the colored. Wilson, being the county seat of Wilson county and being a thriving town, the Cemeteries will always be kept up and the graves looked after. Of course this is a matter for each parent to decide for themselves as to the final resting place of their loved ones. We merely offer this suggestion.

These boys have made history and their graves will forever be spots of historical interest and they should be kept in a place where they will be kept green after this generation has passed away.

--James Dempsey Bullock, Historian

Woman's Club Members Vs.Girls in Senior Class in Spelling Bee, March 29, 1919

From The Daily Times, Wilson, N.C., March 29, 1919

Woman’s Club Won

In the very interesting spelling Bee at the Graded school last night between members of the Woman’s Club and members of the High school, the woman’s Club won, though the High school were not easy marks by any means.

Miss Hampton, one of the teachers, gave out the words and both sides demonstrated an excellent knowledge of their construction.

At the conclusion of 49 minutes of spelling, it was found that some 10 of the woman’s club had not been spelled down to about nine of the members of the Senior Class, who were left standing. The full number to start with was about 23 in the Senior class and 18 in the Woman’s club.

The number of words misspelled was the criterion to merit, the class missing 14 and the Club 4.

Graded School Reports for Franklin County, Hendersonville, March 1919

From the Franklin Times, Louisburg, N.C., March 28, 1919

Educational Notes Concerning the Public School System of Franklin County

By E.L. Best, Superintendent

Few teachers in the county were absent at the reading circle text given last Saturday. The Youngsville Graded School teachers joined with the county teachers in this work and were also present Saturday to take the test. In a short time a list of all the teachers passing this work may be read in this column. Any teacher who was providentially kept from attending this meeting last Saturday may take the test any Saturday between now and the second Tuesday in April.

We could not secure a sufficient number of high school teachers in the county to organize a class in this phase of the reading circle, but any high school teacher who desires to get credit for reading circle work may prepare themselves to take the examination the second Tuesday in April.
This examination is given and graded by the State Board of Examiners. Also, if there is any teacher in the county who could not attend a sufficient number of the five meetings to get credit for the work, they also have the opportunity of getting credit on the above date. The book or books that you will be examined upon will depend upon the class of your certificates. You can easily find out from your reading circle pamphlet the test that your certificate calls for.

How many meetings have you had with your committee since your school began? Do you ever call upon them for help or advice except in cases of emergency? Secure their sympathy and cooperation by taking them into your confidence; not by asking their advice concerning the teaching of arithmetic, history and etc. for if you are not more familiar with the teaching process than they are, you should choose some other work, but let them know that you depend upon their assistance in looking after the material aide of your school. On any constructive work that you may initiate in your school or the community, ask them for their advice, suggestions and aid. The best way to accomplish this is to have regular meetings not less than one a month; at this time you can talk over with them your school problems, the things that your school needs the most to make it more efficient. I am confident that you will find these personal conferences very beneficial and knowing the school committeemen of Franklin county as I do, I know you will receive a hearty and sympathetic response from them.

Today the Centreville school purchased paint for putting on two new coats inside and outside of the school building; tintings for the walls were also purchased.

Last Friday night a one-room school in the county had a Jitney Circus and raised $56.40 for the benefit of the school. Miss Fannie Gupton, the teacher in this school, is a live worker, full of energy and enthusiasm. I should think the larger districts in the county would take notice of this amount. The people of Prospect are certainly interested in their school

Any school that has not been supplied with inventory blanks will please notify the office at once. Do not forget that your final report, register inventory blanks and census cards must be properly filled out and handed in before I can approve your last voucher.

Superintendent Frank W. Simmonds of Idaho expresses himself as follows: “I am glad that I am a teacher, and yet occasionally some good friends attempts to commiserate with me because I am a teacher, by pointing out to me that in some other line of work, perhaps, I would have more material wealth, more leisure, more independence, more pleasure. Now I am aware that teaching has its boundaries and at times offers restrictions that are a little irksome—but this is true of every other worthy calling in life, in fact it is incident to life itself; and the teacher in her vocation should find fullest opportunity for the exercise of the highest and best qualities of life. Here is no deadening routine. The possibilities of her labors are boundless. No teacher was ever yet so great that she did not find in teaching, exigencies, for which her skill and greatness did not suffice. Yes, it’s a great thing to teach school. It’s a wonderful thing to be a teacher


From the French Broad Hustler, Hendersonville, N.C., Thursday, March 27, 1919.

Graded School Report

For more than four months there have been no reports made through the papers of the attendance, grade of work done, and honor rolls of the city schools. Of course the cause for this was the disorganization and irregularities brought about by the epidemic of influenza and other sickness, but now that the malady seems to e almost if not quite gone from our midst, we shall go back to our former custom of making some sort of report and now and then a little comment on conditions at the end of each school month.

Attendance, of course, has been much below normal since September, and certainly there are numbers of children who will for one cause or another not return to school this term, but generally speaking conditions are almost normal now. The attendance has steadily and rapidly grown for the past four weeks until at the present time over 400 are now attending regularly. And a great majority of these are doing splendid work and are willing to co-operate fully in trying to make their promotion possible this spring when the term closes.

And this leads up to the question that has been so often asked: “When will school close, and will the children make their grades?” It has been decided by the school trustees that the schools shall close on June the 6th. The senior class will be graduated at that time, and the colleges of the state have agreed to take those that apply for entrance into their freshman classes just as they have done heretofore. And just as the seniors will be graduated, so also will the other grades be promoted to the next higher grade. The passing mark, which heretofore has been the basis of promotion, is 70 per cent, will be required this year, both for graduation and promotions and the examinations and marks will be based on the work actually covered.

The honor roll was discontinued because it seemed wise under the conditions to do so. It will make its appearance again when the present month closes. The object in having an honor roll is to encourage children to attend regularly and punctually, and to do a good grade of work. And at no time in our school lives has there been a time when normal, well and hearty children should feel the importance of going to school every day, on time, and with lessons well prepared more than at present; and for the rest of this school session. No child should be kept at home, nor allowed to stay out of school a single day except for the most urgent cause, and seldom, if ever, should there be a valid excuse for a child’s going to school late. We want the biggest Honor Roll at the close of this month that the local papers have ever published.

Will Tannery Be Rebuilt in Brevard? Yes, Bigger and Better than Before, March 28, 1919

From The Brevard News, March 28, 1919

Work of Rebuilding the Tannery Begun

A little less than three years ago the people of this country were amazed to know that Brevard was to become the seat of one of the greatest industrial plants in the south. Less than five weeks ago they were overwhelmed with consternation when the tannery was reduced to ashes in a few hours. In a very few weeks from now the same people will see the same tannery rise like magic from the ashes of February 19th.

The main building of the new tannery will be built by the same plan followed in the construction of the building which was destroyed. The new one, however, will be much larger in every detail than the first. It will be 800 feet long by 80 feet wide and two stories high. The roof will be made of dark red slate. The finishing department is on the second floor while the vats are on the lower floor. There are to be more than 1,000 of these, each with a capacity of over 4,000 gallons. The output of the enterprise will thus be greatly increased. New machinery of the most modern invention will be installed. In this particular the new tannery will have a slight advantage over the old one, in that machinery of the type used in tanneries has been greatly improved within the past year and a number of changes in equipment which were being planned by the local tanning company had not been made previous to the fire because of the rush of work incident to filling large government orders. Now, however, the Transylvania Tannery will have the latest equipment in every department.

A large force of carpenters are employed on the building and the work is being pushed forward as rapidly as possible.


March 21, 1919

A Petition for Transylvania Tannery

We, the wood and bark men and the employees at and in said plant, and the business men of Brevard, sadly deplore the great loss to the Laborers, on account employment, for depression in business generally, and for the financial loss to our company. Do not only extend our sympathy, but promise our co-operation both by good will and encouragement for the rebuilding of said plant and hope the same will be in active operation at the earliest date possible.

Signed by over 250 Citizens.


From the Brevard News, March 21, 1919

Speaks Highly of Mr. Silversteen

Editor Brevard News:

In last week’s issue of the News appeared Mr. Galloway’s article knocking the Tannery and Mr. Silverstein.

I cannot see how anyone could have the cheek to write such an article against Mr. Silverstein.
It is true that it did take some of the skilled labor out of the kitchens and from the wash tubs for a short while, but they received three times as much for their services there as they did while cooking and washing, and I think there is about as much honor in tanning as in washing. Of course I guess it went pretty hard with some to have to pay Mr. Bromfield for their washing instead of getting some colored woman to do it for about nothing.

I have in the past worked for Mr. Silverstein about eight years and I never worked for as good a man in many ways. I never knew him to misrepresent anything, and when he promised anything you surely will get it. I understand that the work of rebuilding has begun, so hurrah for Mr. Silverstein and the Tannery. So Mr. Galloway lets you and I go and get a job at the Tannery and all be good fellows together, and perhaps Mr. Silverstein will put up a grindstone and you may have an axe to grind some day and a double bitted one too.

Best wishes to Mr. Silverstein, the Tannery and the News.

--C.P. Hogsed


From the editorial page of the Brevard News, Friday, March 21, 1919

“A Difference of Opinion”

The Asheville Times of last Sunday carries an editorial in regard to the tannery at this place, which is in part as follows:

“When the plant was originally erected progressive business men of Brevard contributed enough money to buy a site for the plant at a cost of something like $6,500, and now that the original plant has been totally destroyed it has been hinted around that unless there is additional financial encouragement from the residents of the town the plant may be moved to another town.

“And therein lies the trouble. Many of the business men have expressed a willingness to again contribute a reasonable amount in order to retain the plant, but this opinion is by no means universal, some of the opponents of the measure have expressed themselves of the opinion that the town should not only refuse to again contribute to the rebuilding but should take steps to prevent the plant being re-established within smelling distance of the town at all.

“A resident of Transylvania dearly loves a fight, and since the proposition under discussion has two sides to it the people in the upper French Broad valley are not disposed to pass the matter by without strenuously insisting upon carrying their point. The outcome of the discussion will be watched with interest.”

We think the Times has been misinformed, as we have not heard any hints for additional financial aid. In fact we do not believe the management of the Transylvania Tanning Company would accept any financial aid. As we understand it what they want is simply to ascertain the pleasure of the people, and when the Times speaks of “opposition to the tannery” a grave injustice is done to the progressive spirit of the people of this county.

When the tannery was built the people of this county pledged their loyal support to the enterprise and the progressive citizens of Transylvania have no idea of going back on their pledge. They stand ready to back up the promises they have made.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Joe Nash Seeing Beautiful France, March 28, 1919

From The Franklin Times, Louisburg, N.C., March 28, 1919

Letter From France

Dinard, France
March 6, 1919
My dear Sam:

We are at last seeing some of the beautiful parts of France. We are stopping in St. Mals on a weeks leave. Blair, Fess, Leroy and I are all together. I am now in Dinard, a very swell summer resort across the river from St. Maleo. This is whee the wealthy French have their summer homes. I have never seen a more beautiful place in all my life, as Mary Wilson said once when she was in Wilson. I am having so much fun their ain’t no name for it.

We have no expense except what we make. We are at a swell hotel, Chateaubriand, right on the water front. Blair and I are rooming together and have a bed each. We had an awful time trying to go to sleep the first night. We hadn’t slept between sheets in so long we considered taking our cover and sleeping on the floor. Another joke on us. 

We had heard that these people believed in light breakfast but didn’t realize it ‘till the first morn here. We went in and sat down for breakfast and noticed there was coffee, butter, and bread already there so we sat and waited and waited for breakfast and finally I told the waitress to hurry with breakfast and she laughed and said that’s all the breakfast we serve.

The most historic place we have visited so far is Mont St. Miehel. The Y.M.C.A. took us there on an excursion Tuesday. There is so much history attached to all these places I dare not try to tell you ‘till I see you. I am at present sitting in the writing room of the High Life Casino that Harry K. Thaw met his wife, he also won and lost this place in one night. I am enclosing a post card picture of same.

We have seen quite a number of towns and cities since leaving Brest. We have danced every day and night since being here. We are waiting now for a 35-piece band to play for a dance at 2:30. Night before last we had a swell concert by Miss Rita Goould of New York. She said she was the black sheep of the Gould family of N.Y. After the concert she attended our dance and I had the pleasure of drinking a hot chocolate with her. I have met a bunch of nice French girls here. They are allowed to attend the dances and they all come. We have met girls from Great Britain, England and Russia. Most of them speak very good English.

I can sit here and see St. Malo, Dinard, St. Servan and Poranne, all are very good sized towns. I can also watch the French promenade and see the tide go out. Two soldiers are trying the surf but I think it rather cool yet.

I’ll write you all about my trip when I get back to Brest. Hope you are all well. Blair has just come for me to go with them to some place.

Love from us all,
Joe Nash

High Life Casino, Dinard, France. This isn't the postcard Joe Nash sent. 
The newspaper had no photo with the article.

Be Aware of Contagious Diseases, Put in Cheap, Efficient Sanitary Privy, March 28 1919

From the Franklin Times, Louisburg, N.C., March 28, 1919

Health Department Report

By Dr. J.E. Malone, Health Officer

We have supplied all teachers in the county with large placards furnished by the State Board of Health. This placard is a “Guide for Teachers, Contagious diseases among school children.” This card gives the names of all contagious or communicable diseases. With this card placed in a conspicuous position in the school, the teachers and pupils can readily see and know what the Health Department expects them to do. These teachers are supplied with report cards and all the literature necessary to carry out the Law.

Now the next most important thing to do, at all the public schools, is to put in Sanitary Privies, and this is why I have requested the Chairman of all the School committees to call at my office and let me tell them how they can put in cheap and efficient sanitary privies. We would like very much to have these sanitary privies in every home, at every country church and country store. A committee is coming around to inspect the sanitary conditions of all the homes. Look out and clean up. The Health officer is not doing this for spite or any unpleasant feeling, but for your good health.

In a few days we will be ready to begin vaccinating against Typhoid Fever.

Let all work together for the public health and make a record this year.

Old Story of Unloaded Pistol Containing Bullet Played Out in Bradley Home, March 27, 1919

From the French Broad Hustler, Hendersonville, N.C., Thursday, March 27, 1919.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bradley’s daughter, Miss Martha, near Saluda, was accidentally shot by her small brother last Sunday evening. The ball went into her hip. She is reported as getting along all right. The old story of the unloaded pistol has been repeated.

Cases Settled From Halifax, Wilson, Hickory, and Graham, March, 1919

From the Roanoke News, Weldon, N.C., March 27, 1919

Cases Disposed of in Halifax Superior Court

The following cases were disposed of at the Halifax Superior Court last week:

Sam Porthress, seduction, $1 fine and costs.

Shug Boyd, larceny, 1 year on county roads.

Roger Mills, resisting officer, $10 fine and costs.

Bob Smith, c.c.w. $50  fine and costs.

L.R. Starbridge, liquor, $10 fine and costs.

Ernest Mitchell, c.c.w. 30 days in jail.

George and Charlie Thompson, resisting officer, $1 and costs.

Charles Moseley, l. and r., 30 days in jail.

Ed Foster, resisting officer, $10 fine and costs.

Bill Jackson, a. and b. Judgment suspended.


From the Wilson Daily Times, March 26, 1919

Mayor’s Court

K.R. Batts was charged $1 for riding bicycle on the sidewalk.

Ben Mackay was charged $1 for riding a bicycle on the sidewalk.

Morris Popkin, a junk dealer in this city, was charged $54.25 for not keeping a record of the amount of brass that he buys and for failure to carry a license. This on account of numerous complaints from people that they miss metal and fixtures and that he purchases it from any body, regardless of whence it comes.

Willie Woodard, a delivery boy who has been working for Carroll’s Grocery, was sent to the roads for taking butter and eggs belonging to his employer.


From the Hickory Daily Record, March 26, 1919

In Recorder’s Court

Belle Williams, who did a good job in slashing Roland Hill, was fined $10 and costs in recorder’s court yesterday afternoon on the charge of cutting Lawson Crider, also colored. The woman was hired out by the commissioners, but Crider paid the fine and had her cook for him. She claimed that his purpose was not the best and it was while he was after her with a chair that she produced a sharp instrument and proceeded to do an artistic job. In the meantime Crider is under bond for hearing.

Seven Windy City young men were given a hearing yesterday afternoon on the charge of gambling. Their names were not disclosed this time and six of them paid fines and costs ranging from $10 to $25.


From The Alamance Gleaner, Graham, N.C., March 13, 1919

Superior Court

The following cases in Superior Court were disposed of last week after the paper was made up:

Max Graham, larceny of automobile, plead guilty; 10 months on the roads.

Robert Clapp, liquor for sale; plead guilty; fined $100 and paid costs.

Edgar Cotton, house breaking; plead guilty; 12 months on the roads.

Charlie Bradshaw, Al Ratliff and Broadie Phillips, larceny of automobile; verdict guilty; Bradshaw to pay $40 damage to automobile and costs; Radliff $100; Phillips 6 months on roads, leave to Commissioners to hire out.

Sam Sykes, selling liquor; plead guilty; $25 fine and costs.

D.B. Walters, receiving; guilty; $500 to Piedmont Finishing Mills and costs, and appear at March Term for 3 years.

Ernest Owen and Tom Loy, housebreaking, etc.; verdict guilty; prayer for judgment continued and to appear at March Term for 2 years.

Lawrence Mitchell, Harvey Bunton and Guy Johnson, housebreaking, etc.; verdict guilty; 2 years in State prison.

Hill Trolinger, larceny, plead guilty; $50 and costs.

Five Sent to Penitentiary

On last Friday Sheriff C.D. Story carried five convicts to the penitentiary by automobile as follows: Charlie Graves for one year; Guy Johnson, Lawrence Mitchell, Harvey Bunton and Roy Mumford each for two years. The first for making liquor and the four others were implicated in stealing a large quantity of hosiery from Piedmont Finishing Mills. One of them told some one who inquired of them on the way where they were going. He explained that they were going to the penitentiary for stealing at the hosiery mill and were caught when they went back after the smokestack. After they were put down to work, it may not quite so funny as it was riding through the country in an auto.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

113th Artillery Soldiers' Welcome From Alamance Gleaner, March 26, 1919

From the editorial page of The Alamance Gleaner, Graham, N.C., March 26, 1919

Soldiers’ Welcome

The 113th Artillery was accorded a welcome in Raleigh Monday that surpassed any demonstration ever witnessed at the State capital. It was worthy of the State and the occasion. A multitude, estimated at 200,000, gathered from surrounding counties and all parts of the State was there to extend a home-coming welcome to the boys who had done battle for their country. The 113th was composed almost exclusively of North Carolinians and was commanded by a North Carolinian, Col. Cox, hence it was fitting that honor should be accorded them by North Carolina especially.


The soldiers are coming back to the home shores almost as fast as they went over last year. The war is over and the soldier wants to go to work again. It should be the aim of every employer to furnish as many of them jobs as possible. They went forth to fight and risk everything for their country. Now, that they are returning to the peaceful pursuits of life, every possible effort should be made to find them places in which to earn a competent livelihood. The best is none too good for them.


Governor Bickett has named the State Highway Commission. The board is composed of the following: Lieut. Frank Page of Aberdeen, just returned from overseas service, is named as chairman and term is six years and full time. J.E. Cameron of Kinston is named as minority party representative and for four years. The other two members are James K. Norfleet of Winston-Salem and James G. Stikeleather of Asheville, each for two years.

6th Company Boys Return to Hendersonville and News of Other Local Soldiers, March 27, 1919

From the French Broad Hustler, Hendersonville, N.C., Thursday, March 27, 1919.

6th Company Boys Return

The former members of the 6th Co., National Guard, who belonged to the 7th and 8th Anti-Aircraft Batteries, were discharged at Camp Lee, Va., March 24th, and have reached Hendersonville the names of the 7th Battery are:

1st Sergeant Herschel H. Allison
Mess Sergeant Allen W. Hawkins

Mess Sergeant William M. Pender
Mess Sergeant Ernest E. Russell

Corporal Chester R. Glenn
Corporal Guy P. Jordan

Corporal Albert V. Edwards
Corporal Lawrence L. Burgin

Mechanic William J. Reese
Wagoner John J. Henderson

Wagoner Grover L. Shipman
Cook Frank M. Huggins

Private 1st Class

Frank M. Bly
Daniel B. Huggins

William H. Ladson
Ezekiel W. McCall

Paul J. Johnson
J. Manning Morris

8th Battery

Sergeant Roy S. Marr
Corporal Emmett Lott
Private 1st Class Horace H. Case

All these were stationed at Fort Caswell for training and left the states for France June 10, 1918, and landed at Brest, France, June 19, 1918. They were stationed at Fort De Stains near Paris for training with the French Anti-Aircraft defenses. They went to the front on August 25, 1918, and served with the 7th French Army and the First American Army until the armistice was signed.

February 23, 1919, they sailed on the U.S.S. ‘Mongolia’ from St. Nazaire, France, and landed at Hoboken, N.J., on March 7, and were sent to Camp Merritt, N.J. From there they went to Camp Lee, Va.

These batteries wee on the front and none were injured. On the return voyage a large number were sea sick. The Red Cross, Y.M.C.A., and other organizations were exceedingly kind and helpful at all times. Too much can not be said about the good they are doing.
W.A. Smith received a wire from his son, First Lieutenant Walter B. Smith, that he landed on Tuesday at Hoboken, N.J. He is in charge of a detachment for Chattanooga, Tenn., and will spend his 10 day’s furlough at home soon.
Will Twyford is on the transport which expects to land in Charleston, S.C., on Saturday. He sent his sister, Septima, a pair of wooden shoes from northern France which may be seen in the window of the book store.
Pvt. Luther Brookshire, who has been in service overseas, came home Tuesday.
Sergeant Will Smith has received his discharge from service and is at home.
N.A. Gilbert from Saluda has been here with friends. He has been given his discharge from service in the navy.
Sgts. Merle S. Johnston and Frank Bradbvurn and Frank Davis who left with the National Guard last September, landed in Liverpool, England, and were located nearly all the time at Angers, France. They arrived in the United States March 7 and have come home with their honorable discharges.
C.S. Henderson of the U.S.S. ‘Hatteras’ is spending his furlough here with relatives. He was with him C.D. Hawkins of the U.S.S. ‘Hatteras’.
I.H. Case and Pvt. Henry Crook, who have been overseas with the C.A.C.’s, have returned to Horse Shoe. Mr. Case did his bit as a bugler.
Corporal Alexander Hollingsworth has returned to the Walter Reed Hospital in Washington, D.C., from which place he hopes to be discharged soon. He was recently awarded the distinguished service cross for extraordinary heroism in action.
Corporal Rufus Peace is spending an eight day furlough with his wife and relatives in Flat Rock.

Come See Fordson Tractor Plow Field on Barker Place; Overland Cars Being Sold in Hendersonville, March 27, 1919

From the French Broad Hustler, Hendersonville, N.C., Thursday, March 27, 1919.

Tractor Demonstration on Barker Place

A demonstration of the Fordson Tractor is being given by the Rhodes Auto Company out on the Barker place, where one of the powerful little machines is putting a big field in apple pie order in the fastest time ever made in Henderson County. R.K. Stepp, who is a pretty good authority on farm work, says that he has never seen a better job of plowing, and it is done at the rate of from eight to ten acres a day the whole outfit being handled by one man, who had less than half a day’s experience in handling the tractor before starting in on this field. A big double-disc harrow is also used, and after both machines have been put over the ground, it looks like somebody’s pet garden. Parties interested in seeing the demonstration are invited to get in touch with Mr. F.S. Wetmur.

(The advertisement below was not in the French Broad Hustler, but I wanted to include an image of a Fordson Tractor. This image is from the Library of Congress.)

Overland Cars Selling Fast

The Overland market has waked up all of a sudden since F.S. Wetmur returned from Florida several days ago and got in touch with affairs again. The Rhodes Auto Company, of which he is manager, has sold three Overland “Nineties” in the last few days, the purchasers being E.A. Wohlford, E.R. Pinckney and A.L. Burley. From present prospects the company is going to have more difficulty in getting enough new cars than in finding purchasers for them, the “Ninety” model being especially popular.

(The image below is an advertisement from the Ladies Home Journal is for a 1918 Overland Ninety manufactured by Willys in Toledo, Ohio.)

After Setbacks Patterson's Department Store in Hendersonville Is a Success, March 27, 1919

From the French Broad Hustler, Hendersonville, N.C., Thursday, March 27, 1919. To see photos of the exterior and interior of this store, go to

Patterson’s Department Store, A Feature of Local Business. . . Success Achieved by Fair Dealing, Good Nerve and Hard Work

Some of the most interesting stories are the true ones, and not infrequently the life story of a business shows courage and nerve well worthy of “honorable mention” in the history of a town. A case in point is the business whose name heads this column.

In September 1906, Mr. H. Patterson came to Hendersonville from Kentucky, where he had two mercantile businesses. He started business in a small way here, opening a dry-goods store in a floor space 20 by 75. Mrs., Patterson conducted the business, while Mr. Patterson devoted his time to the two stores in Kentucky and also one which in the mean time he had opened at Brevard. The little business started off well enough, but illness in the family and the demands of the other stores brought troubles, and in September of 1907, the “panic year,” an assignment was necessary. The creditors, however, were satisfied with the payment made, and another start was made at Third and Main streets. This venture was so well on the way to success that Mr. Patterson was enabled to pay up every cent of the indebtedness left after the assignment, the creditors thus being paid in full. However, the payment of these back debts was a heavy load and to lay in more stock he was obliged to borrow. The lender unexpectedly demanded payment in full, and a sale of the entire stock was forced. The proceeds of the sale met the obligation, but Mr. Patterson had to start all over again, with nothing to show for his hard work, and practically nothing with which to make another start.

Unable to float another mercantile venture, he opened a pressing club in the old Toms Building where the Citizens Bank now stands. To help him he had no one but Mrs. Patterson and a sister, and he himself had the work to do; he did it by getting on the job at 5 o’clock in the morning and staying on it until far into the night. Good work, however, brought its reward in increased business, and the pressing club, with better equipment, was moved into larger quarters where Dotson’s Harness Shop is now located. After a time the profits of the business made it possible to put in a small line of men’s clothing.

Again the story was one of hard work and slow but steady growth, and another move to larger quarters was made, the business being moved into half of the Station Rock Building on Main Street, and by 1913 continued growth demanded the entire building. A year or two more, and it became evident that even this was going to be outgrown shortly, and in January 1917 a contract was made with J.M. Gudger for the erection of a really modern department store building at the corner of Fourth Avenue and Main Street, the very center of the town’s business life. Work was started on the new building in April, and the contract called for completion by July, but war conditions delayed the actual completion until January of 1918, when the business was moved into its present home.

The business as it stands today is a splendid monument to good nerve, hard work, and fair dealing and final success has been wrung from repeated disaster. One of the largest mercantile businesses in this section of the state, it is housed in quarters that would do credit to the retail district of any city in the country. The store now employs 15 people regularly, and adds many more at busy seasons. The two floors 54 by 108 feet, as well as the large mezzanine floor, are taxed to their capacity by the demands of the business and arrangements are now being made to convert the large hall on the second floor into a stock room. Many thousands of dollars are invested in the handsome furniture and equipment, mahogany and plate glass are everywhere, while overhead a modern cash trolley connecting the cashier’s desk with every part of the store is kept busy handling its load of money. While the stock of goods literally includes every item of clothing which can be wanted for man, woman or child, from the top of the head to the sole of the foot; nothing is omitted.

The atmosphere of the whole establishment is one of prosperity and growth; of success; of good business. And it is deserved. This sketch gives but an outline of the difficulties which have been met and overcome in the building up of this establishment. The result is one which has been achieved by hard work and unfailing nerve, by close attention to every feature of the business, and by unvarying fair treatment of the patrons of the store.

In addition to achieving business success Mr. Patterson has written his name plainly as one of the most generous and public spirited citizens of the town. In outright gifts for different charitable purposes over $500 was expended last year, and Mr. Patterson’s name appears unfailingly opposite a generous subscription in every movement for the benefit of Hendersonville. He believes in the town, and his faith is backed by works—and hard cash.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Lenoir Readying Welcome for Battery E Boys From 113th Regiment, March 26, 1919

From the Hickory Daily Record, March 26, 1919

Lenoir Will Give Welcome To Boys

Mr. L.H. Coffey of Lenoir, chairman of the Caldwell exemption board, passed through Hickory this morning en route home from Raleigh, where he attended the celebration in honor of the 113th regiment and greeted the home boys in Battery E. This battery lost more men in action than all the rest of the regiment combined.

It is expected that Battery E will be able to leave Camp Jackson next Monday or Tuesday in a body for Lenoir and arrangements have been made to give the boys a great welcome home.