Thursday, October 3, 2024

Anne Hamiter's Nickname is "Sunshine," Oct. 4, 1924

Anne Hamiter

Anne is one of the best loved girls on the campus. If you should ask someone who was one of the finest girls on Queens campus, the answer invariably would be, “why Anne Hamiter, of course.” And the answer would certainly be correct, for Anne is a wonderful all-round girl.

She entered Queens as a Sophomore and before she had been with us long everyone realized just how true blue, just how fine she is.

Her charming personality and perpetual good humor have won for her the nickname “Sunshine,” and no name could be more fitting, for she does radiate sunshine all around her.

She has held many responsible positions in the three years she has been here. Among these are undergraduate representative in Y.W.C.A., ’24, student council, ’24, secretary Gamma Sigma ’24.

No greater honor could be given anyone on the campus than that awarded to Anne this year. She is worthy of the office and of the love and esteem which is given her not only from students but from faculty members.

As president of the Y.W.C.A., Anne could have no superior. She is making one of the best, if not the best, presidents we have had for years.

We wish her equal success for the future and ability to perform life’s duties as well as she has begun them.

From the front page of Queens Blues, Queens University of Charlotte student newspaper, Oct. 4, 1924. To see a good photo of Anne Hamiter, click on the following link:

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