Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Cherokee, Clay Ag. Agents Selling Veal Calves, Oct. 3, 1924

Two Cars Cattle Shipped Wednesday by County Agents

Two cars of cattle were shipped from Cherokee and Clay Counties Wednesday under the joint auspices of County Agents Ellis of Cherokee and Anderson of Clay. One of the cars contained a number of veal calves, there not being enough cattle to fill both cars.

The agents explained that they were shipping the cattle as there were no local buyers this year shipping out the cattle. They were interested in shipping because of their general aim to help the farmers and agricultural interests of the respective counties and also because of their desire to ship out the poorer grades of cattle and attempt to grade up the stock in the counties so that better dairy products and a better grade of beef can be produced, as grades and purebreds produce so much more profit for the farmers.

The price of cattle is not very good this fall. The agents estimated that they will net from 2 to 3 cents per pound after the freight and other expenses incidental to shipping have been deducted.

The better grade of veal calves are bringing from 8 to 12 cents per pound. Medium grades are bringing from 5 to 8 and the common veals from 3 to 5 cents per pound.

Another shipment will be made Saturday, October 11th, if enough cattle can be secured to make up a car, according to the present plans of the two agents. Those who have cattle to sell should get in touch with either Mr. Ellis at Murphy or Mr. Anderson at Hayesville, not later than noon Tuesday, October 7th, so that they will know how many to provide shipping space for on the following Saturday. This service is purely for the accommodation of the people and their co-operation is earnestly solicited.

From the front page of the Cherokee Scout, Murphy, N.C., Oct. 3, 1924

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