Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Neighborhood Notes from Chapel Hill, Oct. 15, 1924

Neighborhood Notes

Mrs. Claud Lloyd is home from Watts Hospital, where she recently underwent an operation.

Dr. and Mrs. Hemphill, Mrs. S.J. Brockwell, and her mother, Mrs. W.S. Sugg, were visitors in Raleigh last week.

Rev. Charles E. Maddry preached in the Baptist church Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hogan of the Orange church neighborhood had as guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hogan of Calvander, Miss Alda Hogan, Henry Hogan, Miss Lillian Gattis, Mr. and Mrs. S.J. Brockwell, and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Cates.

Miss Minna Pickard, who is teaching in Greensboro, was here for the week-end.

Miss Nell Cobb was in town Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. George Denny spent Friday in Greensboro.

Mrs. Archibald Henderson and Miss Curtis Henderson spent Friday and Saturday of last week in Greensboro with Mrs. Tom Hunt.

Miss Harriet Berry came in from Hendersonville Sunday night and stopped over with Mrs. Kent Brown before going on to Raleigh.

Mrs. Sam Fisher of Asheville is recovering from an operation for appendicitis. Her mother, Mrs. A.H. Patterson, is still with her; Mr. Patterson returned to Chapel Hill after a week-end visit.

Miss Henrietta Smedes left Wednesday to be with her sister, Mrs. J.S. Holmes of Raleigh, during her vacation. She will come back to Chapel Hill November 3.

The Grail dance, which followed the Carolina-Trinity game Saturday, attracted girls from all over the state and beyond.

The Gimghouls entertained at tea for the faculty in their lodge Sunday afternoon.

Alvis Patterson of Wilson has been visiting his mother.

Mrs. Hickerson is back with her son again having been at her old home in Ronda all summer.

Saturday evening the Phi chapter Theta Tau Alpha entertained at a banquet at the Malbourne hotel in honor of Mrs. Robert Wettach, grand president of the society.

Miss Berta and Mary Crawford, Miss Sudie Creech and half a dozen of their friends from Meredith College were week-end visitors at the Kluttz home.

Charles Coker of Hartsville came up last week to see his two sons, James and Charles. With him came Richrd Coker and his mother, Mrs. James Coker. They were the guests of W.C. Coker.

The first meeting of the year of the American Association of University (word omitted) was held at the home of the president, Mrs. Thorndike Saville.

W.C. Hunt of Memphis, president of the American Snuff Company, is in Chapel Hill today. His daughter, Mrs. A.S. Hamilton, is on her way from New York to meet him and will be with her friend, Mrs. Mary Graves Rees.

From page 3 of The Chapel Hill Weekly, Thursday, Oct. 16, 1924


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