Monday, February 17, 2025

Member of Visiting Team "Accidentally" Breaks Six Window Panes, Feb. 19, 1925

Fayetteville Boy Pleads Accident. . . Breaking Six Panes Out of School Building Here Admitted—No Explanation for Not Reporting to School Authorities—Local Correspondent Is Brought into Controversy. . . Letter of Apology Has Not Been Received by Crumpton

Admitting that he broke six window panes out of the Lumberton high school building last Friday night, a member of the Fayetteville team says the act was accidental and unintentional, according to a letter received here yesterday by Supt. W.B. Crumpton from the superintendent of the Fayetteville schools, who writes that the young man promised that he would write a letter of apology to Supt. Crumpton; but until noon today Mr. Crumpton says he has never received the letter, and he has written the school authorities again about the matter.

According to a long article appearing in yesterday’s Fayetteville Observer, in which the local correspondent for that paper was severely criticized, and unjustly so, the principal of the Fayetteville high school admits that one of the aggregation threw a brick, but says the boy was throwing at a target, an Orangeade bottle, with a half-brick, and accidentally the brick and bottle went through the weak window panes. He does not explain why the young man who so thoughtlessly engaged in target practice so near a building, did not report his accident to some of the local school authorities and nothing was heard of it until an account of the affair had been published in the Robesonian and the Fayetteville Observer.

From the front page of The Robesonian, Lumberton, N.C., Thursday, Feb. 19, 1925

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