Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Improved Streets, Extended Sewer Lines, Elections Discussed, March 5, 1919

From The Hickory Daily Record, March 5, 1919

Will Improve Additional Streets

City council last night made preparations for yet more sandclay streets and quite a bit of additional sewer lines, and bids will be asked for these improvements at once. The streets to be graded and sandclayed are one block on Tenth street from W.A. Rudasill’s residence to Prof. R.W., Carver’s home, and two blocks on Seventh avenue between Tenth and Twelfth streets, and also the extension of Twelfth street from the Richard Baker Hospital north through the Aiken and Shuford properties.

New sewer lines will be laid from the ice plant to Eighth avenue so as to furnish an outlet in the South school section; Ninth avenue towards West Hickory; and a third through the Ellis estate. There will be about a mile in all, and it will enable scores of houses to connect with the lines.

The question of hauling off the refuse from the rear of stores was mentioned incidentally and pending an adjustment with the merchants.

Mayor Yount, Councilman Whitener Will Not Run Again

Mayor Yount authorized the Record to announce last night that he would not be a candidate for a third term and Councilman Whitener also stood up and observed that his statement some time also stands. He has had all he wants. Councilman Fred Abernethy is out of town.
In the meantime there is some interest in the contest. Friends of Mr. J.D. Elliott are out with a petition for him for mayor and friends of Mr. Geo. S. Watson are wanting him nominated for councilman.

Will Women Vote?

Much interest has been created by the passage in the senate of the municipal suffrage bill, allowing women to vote in the city and town elections, and the house will consider the bill tonight. The chances are in favor of its passage by the lower house. In that case there will be from 500 to 800 new names for Registrar Geo. W,. Starnes to place on the books and it remains to be seen how many Hickory ladies will come out and vote. Everybody has a lively interest in the matter.

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