Thursday, December 9, 2021

County Home Demonstration Agent Needs a Car (Or a Ride), Dec. 9, 1921

Our Home Demonstration

On Monday morning a large delegation of women representing between 300 and 400 members of their various organizations waited upon the Board of Education in regard to securing a Ford car for the use of the Home Demonstrator [Home Economics County Agent]. The County Commissioners have already promised to pay half provided the Board of Education furnishes the other half. Several of the most prominent of our Brevard ladies were among the numbers, as well as some well-known faces from other localities.

Miss Martha Creighton, the District Home Agent, made the trip from Charlotte to present the ladies’ plea. She stated that Transylvania is the only county in her district that does not furnish a car for its Home Demonstrator, and that the law permitted the Board of Education to appropriate funds to this purpose. She is a young woman of magnetic personality and pleasing address. She stated her case concisely and well, calling on Miss Lucile Clarke to give an account of her work. Miss Clarke stated that she had organized 13 clubs, had fine and interested attendance, and mentioned the various lines along which she was conducting her classes. Several of the ladies made earnest pleas, and one or two apt remarks came from others. Some petitions were also handed to the board bearing the same request from various communities.

Besides delegates from the Home Demonstration clubs there were present representatives from the U.D.C. [United Daughters of the Confederacy], the Brevard Betterment, the Wednesday Club, the Mathathasian Club, the Fortnightly Club, and the Music Lover’s Club, as well as some gentlemen among whom we noticed members of the Brevard Club. The request was made that the Ford car be furnished about March first, and the Board was informed that the State furnished the money for its upkeep.

The Board asked for time to deliberate, and later informed the delegation that they might consider the matter next May. We have not heard whether this satisfied the ladies or not.


Schedule of Home Demonstration Club Meetings

The following is my regular schedule of club meetings as I have been meeting the clubs regularly since the community fairs in October and shall continue to meet them fortnightly.

Some of these places it is impossible to reach without a car, and as I have no way of travel I should like to say if there is anyone who can volunteer to assist me in reaching any of these points on the days named it would be greatly appreciated.

Monday, December 6—Brevard, special work.

Tuesday, December 7—10:30 p.m., Penrose Girl’s Club. [Probably a typo and should be 10:30 a.m.]

Tuesday, December 7—1:30, Boileston, Girls and Women.

Thursday, December 8—Davidson river, Girl’s club. [As printed in the paper, but these dates are obviously incorrect...if Tuesday is the 7th, Thursday isn't the 8th].

Friday, December 9—Blantyre Women’s club.

Saturday, December 10—3 p.m., Cotton town girl’s club, Brevard.

Monday, Dec. 12—Brevard office work.

Tuesday, December 13—p.m., Rosman Girl’s club.

Wednesday, December 14—1:30 p.m., Little River Women’s club.

Thursday, December 15—10:30 a.m., Selica Girl’s club.

Thursday, December 15—1 p.m., Calvert-Cherryfield Girl’s club.

Friday, December 16—10 p.m., Lake Toxaway girl’s club.

Saturday, December 17—3 p.m., cotton town, Brevard, girl’s club.

The subject of study for the past two months has been sewing and milinery. At present and until the Christmas holidays the subject to be taken up is the cookery of cakes and candies.

In these meetings practical demonstrations of the actual work are given and discussions as to the theory of such practice is given.

From The Brevard News, Dec. 9, 1921

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