Friday, December 3, 2021

Social News of Monroe, N.C., Dec. 4, 1921

Social News of Monroe

Mrs. F.G. Henderson entertained her bridge club Wednesday afternoon. Beside the club members the following guests were present: Mesdames Bruce Redmond, D.L. Middleton, John Fairley, Sam Lee, Mrs. Richardson, guest of Mrs. Ella Houston. A tempting salad course was served.

Mrs. T.T. Capehart was hostess to the Chautauqua Circle Tuesday afternoon. The subject for study of the afternoon was Greece and Rome. The 10 members present took part in the program which was most instructive. Those present were Mesdames Burrell, E.C. Winchester, C.C. Weaver, C.E. Houston, Frank Ashcraft, Eugene Ashcraft, T.T. Capehart, Bruce Adams, H.D. Stewart. A very enjoyable salad course was served by the hostess.

The Van Dyke Club had a most interesting meeting Thursday afternoon at the handsome suburban home of Mrs. E.W. Crow. Roll call was responded to with current events and the following well prepared papers presented: Miss Pat Adams had a most interesting paper on the “Growth of Democracy,” which was read in Miss Adams’ absence by Mrs. Walter Crowell, Mrs. E.S. Green read a splendi paper on “Some Americans Who Made the Nation”; Mrs. N.M. Redfearn read Mrs. Meacham’s enlightening paper on “Our Vanishing Shore Birds.” Special visitors of the afternoon were Misses Mabel Cooper, Pat Benton, Eva Martin, Annie Folger, Mrs. Allen Heath, Mrs. Henry Crow, Miss Mary and Adeline Crow and Florence Redwine. A tempting repast of turkey salad, cranberries, chow chow, hot biscuits, wafters and coffee was served followed by cherry whip and fruit cake.

One of the most largely attended and most enjoyable affairs of the past week was the big boys’ banquet which took place Wednesday. A well prepared six-course turkey dinner was enjoyed and a splendid program carried out. Mrs. John Welch and Miss Sarah Walsh gave musical selections; W.O. Lemond a violin selection; Misses Queen, Carlisle and Nancy Maynor an interpretive dance; Mrs. Nan Carlile a reading, “Grainey’s Laddie” in Scotch costume. Dr. H.E. Gurney was master of ceremonies and kept the assembly in high good humor. Mr. C.W. Walton and Rev. S.L. Rotter made inspiring talks.

Miss Jean Ashecraft and Miss Pat Pemberton Ashecraft are enjoying a visit with relatives in Fayetteville.

Mrs. Bruce Redmond entertained her bridge club Friday afternoon. A special guest of the afternoon was Mrs. Kirby Hough of Chester. Attractive refreshments were served.

Sorosis had a very instructive meeting at the beautiful home of Mrs. John Blair Wednesday afternoon. Sorosis is studying North Carolina this year. The club opened by singing Carolina and current events on North Carolina were given by each member. A paper on the “Beginnings of North Carolina” by Mrs. W.A. Lane; “The Lost Colony of Roanoke” was the subject of Mrs. D.A. Houston’s paper. Mrs. Frank Laney and Mrs. Walter Lane gave an interesting report of the district meeting at Shelby. The club decided to send a Christmas box to some of the nurses at Oteen. A splendid collation was enjoyed by those fortunate enough to be included in Mrs. Blair’s hospitality.

The John Foster Chapter met with Mrs. Zeb Faulkner Thursday afternoon. Mrs. J.A. Stewart gave an instructive and delightful account of the State D.A.R. meeting in Gastonia. The chapter will send a box of clothing soon to Crossmore. The chapter also took a membership book for the memorial at Belleau Woods. The hostess served delightful fruit salad, sandwiches and coffee.

Mrs. Horace Neal entertained in honor of Mrs. Kirby Hough Wednesday afternoon. Bridge was played at two tables. Enticing refreshments were served.

From the Charlotte News, Sunday, Dec. 4, 1921.

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