Sunday, December 12, 2021

Who Is In School, Who Isn't, Dec. 12, 1921

School Facts

There are in the United States more than 25 million school children. A fifth of the total population is in the school house. There are 5 million of those of school age who do not go to school, in spite of the inducements which are offered and the laws that have been passed to compel attendance. There are more than 1,650,000 boys and girls of 15 to 19 in the high schools. There are 600,000 school teachers and the number of teachers is 250,000 short of those needed for the children who are to be taught. There are in the colleges and universities about 263,000 students, nearly half of whom are in the State universities. Pennsylvania leads the States in the number of college institutions with 67; Illinois 59; New York comes next with 54; Ohio has 53 and Missouri 41.

From the editorial page of The Charlotte News, Monday, December 12, 1921. School attendance was only required in elementary school, so the 5 million children in this article are not attending elementary school.

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