Saturday, October 12, 2024

Bessie Frye Whitener, 51, Has Died, Oct. 13, 1924

Mrs. E.H. Whitener Dies After Illness of Months

Mrs. Bessie Frye Whitener, wife of E. Hampton Whitener of Hickory died this morning at Broad Oaks Sanatorium, Morganton, after an illness of several months. The body will be brought to Hickory this afternoon and the funeral will be held at the home on Tenth avenue tomorrow afternoon.

The daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John D. Frye, Mrs. Whitener was a member of one of the Catawba county’s best known families. Early in life she connected herself with the church and lived a consecrated, Christian life. She was devoted to her family and to her church and possessed a sunny disposition that endeared her to all with whom she came in contact. She was a member of Corinth Reformed Church.

On June 13 Mrs. Whitener became ill and for some time was in a critical condition. She was taken to a health resort and later to Grace hospital in Morganton. Several days ago she was removed to Broad Oaks Sanatorium where she passed away this morning. She was 51 years of age in May.

In addition to her husband Mrs. Whitener is survived by eight children, six sons and two daughters, Messrs. Henry Whitener of Holloway, Ohio; Murphy of Hickory, Lewis of Richmond, Va., Howard, a student at State college, and Douglas and Miles, who were at home; Mrs. Hilton Bowles and Miss Hilda Whitener, teacher in the Lincolnton schools. She was a sister of Mrs. Uck Hahn, Mrs. Bert Marlow and Mr. R. Bruce Fry of Hickory.

--Hickory Record

From page 3 of the Lincoln County News, Lincolnton, N.C., October 13, 1924

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