Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Browning-Ward, Keeton-Walstrom Weddings Announced July 12, 1921


Miss Bessie Ward and Mr. Walter C. Browning were quietly married Tuesday morning, July 5, 1921 at the home of Elder W.B. Harrinton. They were accompanied by Messrs. Henry and John Browning, brothers of the Groom.

Mrs. Browning is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ward of Bear Grass Township. She is a very attractive young woman and is well known in Williamston where she attended school. Mr. Browning is the son of Mrs. Matilda Browning of near Amesville and is one of triplets. He is conducting a very prosperous jewelry business in Greenville, where they will make their home. Immediately after the ceremony they left for Norfolk and Washington.

From the front page of The Enterprise, Williamston, Martin County, N.C., Tuesday, July 12, 1921



Washington, D.C.--On Wednesday Evening June 29th at 5 o’clock the home of Mrs. E.N. Brown, 228 35th Street, was the scene of a pretty wedding when Miss Martha Walstrom of Scotland Neck, N.C., became the bride of Mr. Geo. L. Keeton of Richmond, Va. The ceremony was performed by Rev. E.T. Waterfield, pastor of Chestnut Avenue Methodist Church. The parlors were beautifully decorated for the event with Palms and flowers of the season. Only the family and a few intimate friends witnessed the ceremony. Mrs. E.N. Brown acted as Mistress of Ceremonies.

The wedding march was rendered by Miss Maude Brown. The Bride handsomely attired in a dark blue traveling suit with hat and gloves to match wearing a Corsage bouquet of bridal roses, entered on the arm of E.N. Brown, who gave her away in marriage. Miss Jessie Britton of Scotland Neck, N.C., was Maid of Honor wearing a gown of Cream Georgette over satin and carrying a bouquet of American beauty roses. Mrs. A.W. Walker of Newport News was best man. Mr. and Mrs. Keeton left immediately for Norfolk, Va., and from there they will visit Mrs. Keeton’s home in Scotland Neck, N.C., and from there to the home of the groom in Richmond, Va.

From The Commonwealth, Scotland Neck, N.C., Tuesday, July 12, 1921

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