Saturday, July 3, 2021

Social Notes from Charlotte, Hickory, Mooresville, July 3, 1921


Miss Sarah Chambers of Nashville, Tenn., who has been the charming guest of Miss Catherine Morehead for several weeks, left for home Friday morning. Miss Chambers was shown delightful courtesies while here. She is a prime favorite in the Charlotte society set and her visits are anticipated with interest and pleasure.

Miss Lily Benson and sister, Mrs. Nellie Benson Reeves, left Saturday morning for Jacksonville, Florida, to visit their brother, John Benson, formerly of this city but for some years of Jacksonville. They will be absent several weeks.

Mrs. J.L. Staten, Miss Virginia Staten and George Crouch left Saturday for Linville. Mrs. Staten and Miss Staten will remain for half a week. They will be at Esseovle Inn.

Mrs. T.M. Constable, Henry Constable, and Miss Mary Oliver, sister and guest of Mrs. Constable, left Saturday for Linville where they will spend a week or 10 days.

Miss Marie Fletcher is visiting friends in McKee’s Port, Pa. After her visit there she will go to Pittsburgh and other points in the state.

Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Arkman of Augusta, Ga., are guests of Mrs. G.B. Phelps on Statesville avenue. They will be with Mrs. Phelps for a week or 10 days.

Dr. and Mrs. McGeachy, Dr. and Mrs. Brenizer and Master Addison Brenizer Jr. got back Saturday forenoon after a motor trip to Blowing Rock. They made the trip in the Brenizer car and were gone two days.

Mr. and Mrs. E.C. Dwelle and children, Faye and Ned, left Saturday for Asheville in their car. Mr. Dwelle will return Monday or Tuesday. Mrs. Dwelle and children will spend a month in the mountain city.

Mrs. J.P. Allen and daughter, Miss Nettie Allen, who have been visiting Mrs. Rufus Person at her home in Sugar Creek, have returned home. Mrs. Allen and Miss Allen are mother and sister, respectively of Mrs. Person.

Mrs. Charles H. Duls and attractive daughter, Miss Louise Duls, leave Tuesday for Little Switzerland, where they will spend the remainder of the summer at their cottage, one of the most attractive and beautifully located on the mountain.

Mr. and Mrs. C.B. Bryant leave the first of the week in their car for Blowing Rock, where they will spend a week or so at Mayview.

Miss Mary Pressly has returned from the eastern part of the State, where she visited friends. She returned to Mooresville Saturday, where she and her father, Rev. Dr. Pressly, are living, he being the pastor of the Presbyterian church.

Mr. I. Heckenbleckner and family left Saturday for Little Switzerland. They will occupy one of Mrs. Jones’ cottages. Mr. Heckenbleckner will return to the city frequently during the summer but the family will be permanent summer residents.

Miss Esdale Shaw and Miss Heloise Smith of Rockingham spent Friday in the city, coming up in Miss Shaw’s car. Miss Shaw and Miss Smith are special friends of Mrs. Heriot Clarkson and are frequently guests at her home on Clement avenue.

L.W. Sanders will spend the month of July at Asheville, stopping at the Battery Park. Mr. Sanders has spent the past three summers at Asheville.

Mrs. Heriot Clarkson and attractive young daughter, Miss Margaret Clarkson, left several days ago for Little Switzerland, where they will spend the remainder of the summer at the Clarkson home, one of the first and most attractive of the Switzerland cottages.

Mrs. J.J. Conyers, formerly of Charlotte, but now of Asheville, has just returned home from Wilmington, where she has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Charles Lynch. She will return to Wilmington later in the season, Mr. Conyers is in Marion, N.C.

Miss Margaret Pou of Smithfield, who was recently the guest of Miss Calvine Scott, stopped in Raleigh en route home to visit her brother, George Ross Pou.

Miss Martha Davis, of the city, is visiting Mrs. James Coleman at her home at Weaverville, near Asheville.

Mrs. W.R. Foreman is in Asheville, stopping at the Manor. She left last week.

Mrs. J.A. Durham, John Durham, and Mr. and Mrs. Byron Scott left yesterday in the Durham car for Blowing Rock.

Mrs. Grame Ross and Grame Jr. Of Joplin, Mo., have arrived in the city on a visit to Mrs. Ross’ mother, Mrs. J.R. Henderson, West Fifth street, and to Mr. Ross’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Ross on North College street.

Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Thomas are spending the week-end at Mayview Park Club, Blowing Rock.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jake Smith last week at the Presbyterian hospital, daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Smith reside at 210 South Myers street.

Captain Hugh A. Murrill Jr. left Friday for Camp Sherman, Ohio, to join his family. Mrs. Murrill and their lovely little daughter having been with her parents, General and Mrs. Samuel D. Sturgin for several weeks.

Miss Annie Crutchfield, secretary of the Associated Charities, has returned from Milwaukee, where she attended the National Conference of Social Workers.

Miss Anna Forbes Liddle left the latter part of the week for Ithaca, N.Y., where she will take a special course in Cornell. Miss Liddell is working toward a coveted Ph.D. She is the younger daughter of Mr. And Mrs. Walter Liddell and one of Charlotte’s most brilliant young women.

Ralph Murrill left last week for Elkins, W.Va., to join a house party at the home of his roommate at V.M.I. He will be absent about two weeks.

Mr. and Mrs. Brook Todd and children leave soon on a camping party, which will take them into the mountains. They will motor and go by easy stages.

Mrs. Helen Brackett of Clemson College, who has been the attractive guest of Miss Maud McKinnon, left Saturday for Cheraw, S.C., to visit friends. Miss Brackett is a daughter of Professor Brackett of Clemson College.

Mr. And Mrs. L.E. Whitesides, Mrs. P.T. Gallagher, Miss Marion Gallagher and Mr. B.P. Pearson left Saturday afternoon for Asheville to spend the week-end. They made the trip by motor.

Miss Amy Austin has gone to Wrightsville Beach, where she will spend some days.

Miss Lillie Shields Anders is getting on nicely after undergoing two serious operations at the Presbyterian Hospital recently. She has so far recovered that she intends leaving the hospital Sunday and returning to her home on West Trade street.

H.M. Miller of Columbus, Ohio, is here to spend some time with Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Miller at their home on Hawthorne Lane. Mr. Miller, of this city, is a nephew of the Ohio man, himself originally from Ohio.

Claude E. Carr of the Carolina Sporting Goods Company is in Birmingham and Gadsden, Ala., for a 10-day vacation.


Misses Nancy Sherrill, Nancy Hall, Nita Mosteller, Elizabeth Abernethy, Katherine Hatcher, Mary Dellinger, Louise Cline and Market, members of the Virginia Dare Book Club, who spent 10 days with their chaperones, Mrs. C.L. Mosteller, Miss Mary Allen and Miss Virginia Sellers, camping at Ridge Crest, returning home Thursday evening. While away they visited Blue Ridge, Asheville, Montreat and Kitasuma.

Misses Margaret Wannemacher, Pearl Little and Mabel Little left last Thursday for Chicago to take special courses in music.

Mr. and Mrs. F.P. Abernethy and children, Josephine and Frank F. Jr. of Greensboro, spent Friday night in the city. They came especially to attend the lowering of the service flag in the Masonic hall. The flag contained 17 stars, one of them gold, for Lieutenant Orum M. Sigmon, who died in France shortly before the signing of the armistice. The Abernethy children lowered the flag. Lieutenant Sigmon was a brother of Mrs. Abernethy.

Mrs. K.C. Menzies took her Sunday school class of young boys on a picnic to Bakers Mountain. An hour or more was spent in playing with the fish in the ponds and in in other forms of amusement. A delicious lunch was served before returning home. Those in the party were Earl Poovey, William Bruns, Edwin Carter, Lee Duncan, Odell Crider, Homer Helton, John Huggins, Kearnel Pierce and Jay Gardner.

Chaperoned by Mrs. John Young, Mrs. H.L. Clement, Miss Edward Clement and Miss Dorothy Ivey, a party of young people enjoyed a moonlight picnic at Bakers Mountain Thursday evening. There were about 15 young people in the party. A supper was spread at the mountain.

Mrs. A. Bourbonnais entertained with a dinner Friday evening honoring Mr. and Mrs. J. Telis Miller. Other guests included Mrs. J.L. Springs, Mrs. Norwood Bass and Miss Elizabeth Scharberg.

Mr. and Mrs. R.S. Parker and children of Murphy are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.S. Abernethy.

The Schaha camp fire girls spent Thursday night at Catawba river, where tents were pitched, and a regular camp made. Honor beads were given to the girls setting up the tents. Those present were Misses Carla Ballew, Caro Nichols, Helen Whitener, Gladys Frye, Rebecca Kirkpatrick, Aline West, Coline Abco, Mary Wiley Lentz, Sallie Bryce Spratt and Mary Moore of Stanley. Chaperones were Miss Emma Bonner, guardian; Mrs. T.P. Bonner and Mr. and Mrs. Connolly Gamble.

On Tuesday afternoon the Tuesday Bridge Club was entertained by Miss Frank Martin at a most delightful meeting. Officers for the coming year were elected with the present officers being chosen for a second term. They are President Mrs. O.H. Hester, Secretary Miss Mary Allen. Those playing were Misses Helen Springs, Elizabeth Holbrook, Rose Martin, Margaret Taylor, Mary Allen and Mesdames O.H. Hester, M. Loy Bolick and Voorheis Garth. A salad course was served after the game.

An interesting recital by the Etude Music club was held Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J.H. Hatcher. The following young ladies took part in a short program: Misses Irene Bolick, Avis Propst, Lelia Maynard, Ruth Setzer and Elizabeth Hardin. At the conclusion of the program a contest was held with Misses Nellie Whisnant, Clara Ballew, Kathryn Whitener and Nita Mosteller playing “Murmuring Spring” by Bohm and Misses Elizabeth Abernethy, Nita Mosteller, Paula Puffenberger, Aline Whitener playing “Novellette” by Shuman. Misses Elizabeth Abernethy and Nita Mosteller received the prizes, gold pins. Misses Jessie and Grace Patrick and Mrs. George Bisanar were judges. In a guessing contest Miss Aline Whitener received the prize. Miss Jessie Patrick, a former member of the club, gave much pleasure by playing several selections. An ice course was served during the social hour which followed the program.

On Wednesday morning one of the most attractive bridge parties of the season was given by Mrs. S.W. Bass and Mrs. W.A. Hall at the home of the former. It was a gingham dress party and each guest was asked to come clad in a gingham frock. The prize for the top score was a gingham apron. This was presented to Mrs. T.A. Mott. Lingerie tape, the booby prize, was given to Mrs. John Stephens. A two-course luncheon was served. In the afternoon Mrs. Bass and and Mrs. Hall were hostesses at a second party. After several enthusiastic rounds, the top score prize, a bottle of toilet water, was presented to Mrs. J.H. Hatcher. Mrs. Steel Greer drew the consolation prize of a box of almond cream. Two courses of refreshments were served.

Mrs. L.F. Abernethy and Miss Mayce Blackwelder entertained jointly at bridge Friday morning at Mrs. Abernethy’s home on Thirteenth avenue. The top score prize was won by Mrs. T. C. Blackburn and the consolation prize by Mrs. E.L. Shuford. Those playing were Mesdames N.W. Bass, C.N. Hutton, L.F. Long and Glen Long, of Newton, George C. Yoder, T.C. Blackburn, M.IK. Sourbeer, Steele Greer, N.W. Clark, S.N. Farabee, R.A. Grimes, A. Wezen, E.L. Shuford, Miss Virginia Allen and Miss Janie Lyerly. Guests for refreshments were Miss Grace Patrick, Ruth Greer, Mrs. H.G. Tucker, Mrs. W.R. Weaver, Mrs. Carrie Gamble, Mrs. J.A. Martin and Mrs. J.W. Clarkson.

Mrs. R.O. Abernethy entertained a number of relatives and friends at lunch Wednesday at her home on Fourteenth street. Guests included Mrs. L.S. Whitener, Mrs. N.G. Beal, Mrs. W.L. Abernethy, Mrs. Carrie Gamble and Mrs. L.H. Phillips and Mrs. R. Caldwell of Newton.

Rev. and Mrs. Charles Crane, missionaries to Africa, who with their two children have been on a furlough for the past year in the United States, left Monday night for New York to take a boat for Africa. During the greater part of the year Mr. and Mrs. Crane were guests of her mother in Hickory.


Miss Mary Bell Flowers arrived Tuesday from Baltimore, where she taught the past year, and will spend the vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.H. Flowers on Church street.

Mrs. C.C. Ward of Rocky Mount is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Brawley.

Dr. and Mrs. P.L. Trivette have returned from Charlotte, Dr. Trivett having gone to attend the meeting of the North Carolina Dental Association.

Miss Mabel Cocke of Manassus, Va., but formerly of Mooresville, passed through the city Thursday en route to Junaluska to spend the month of July. Miss Cocke will sail for Korea in August.

Dr. And Mrs. W.H. Bennette have as their guests Mr. W.S. Bennnette and Mrs. J.D. Williams, the latter an aunt of Dr. Bennette’s.

Mr. And Mrs. W.L. Mathesone spent the first of the week with relatives in Taylorsville.

Miss Grace Evans left Thursday morning for Lake Junaluska, where she is representing the Epworth League of the Central Methodist church.

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Fink have returned from Concord, where they have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Fink.

Mr. Allen F. Brown of Wadesboro, formerly of Mooresville, is visiting relatives and friends here.

Miss Margaret Smith is visiting friends in Cornelius.

Miss Julia Johnston has as her guest Miss Catherine Hawn of Winston-Salem.

Mr. and Mrs. Willis Johnston, who have been spending the latter part of June at Wrightsville Beach, returned home Wednesday.

Mr. John McKey of Charlotte spent the week-end here with relatives.

Mrs. Joel Reed and son, Mr. Junkin Reed of Concord spent several days here this week. Mrs. Reed visited her sister, Mrs. Sue McNeely on Academy street.

Misses Mattie Berge and Irene Abernethy of Charlotte spent last Sunday with their parents, Rev. and Mrs. L.B. Abernethy.

Mr. and Mrs. Lester Mayhew have as their guests Misses Martha Troutman and Ruth Lentz of Hickory.

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Moore have returned from Cowpens, S.C., where they have been visiting for the past 10 days.

Rev. W.T. Pearman of Unionville, S.C., spent the week-end here the guest of Mr. and Mrs. P.S. Boyd on Eastern Heights.

Mr. Jay Sims spent Tuesday here, the guest of Mr. Harry Deaton on East Center avenue.

Mrs. Kay A. Starette of Statesville is visiting her daughter, Mrs. I. Pressley Cavin on Main street.

From The Charlotte News, July 3, 1921

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