Sunday, July 4, 2021

City Employes Give Picnic for 600, July 4, 1921

City's Employes to Give a Picnic. . . 600 Expected to Go to Catawba Monday

City employes will have a holiday Monday and will spend the Fourth at Camp McDonald, the Boy Scout camp on the Catawba, feasting upon the 800 pounds of meat which Sanitary Chief Amos Cook has bought for the big barbecue and enjoying an afternoon of bathing in the river.

Mr. Cook, who is head of the sanitary department 364 days of the year and master of ceremonies at the city employes’ picnic on the Fourth, expects 600 people at the river, two or three hundred friends of the employes having been invited.

The party will go out about 11 o’clock, returning late in the afternoon. The feast will be served at 1 o’clock. On the table will be the 800 pounds of meat, including 150 pounds of fish, 150 loaves of bread, a big variety of other eatables, while 1,700 bottled drinks will be on ice for free distribution at the request of the picknickers.

Chief Cook requested Saturday that invited guests having automobiles report at the City Auditorium before 11 o’clock Monday to carry employes to the river. Several machines will be needed for carrying out the crowd, and Mr. Cook said he would appreciate the assistance of all planning to attend who possess machines.

All the city employes, from Mayor Walker down, will be on hand, and the biggest and best picnic in the history of the city departments is expected by those planning to attend.

From the Charlotte News, Sunday morning, July 3, 1921

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