Friday, March 14, 2025

In Camden County Superior Court, March 14, 1925

Carr Sentenced to State Prison. . . Old Trap Negro Found Guilty of Assault with Intent to Kill Will Snowden

Camden, March 14—Not less than 18 months ago and not more than 2 ½ years in the State prison was the sentence given George Carr, Old Trap negro, who was found guilty Thursday of assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill.

Judge Cranmer announced his decision at Friday afternoon’s session of Superior Court. It was George Carr who on last Sunday about dark walked into a crap game at a lumber camp near Old Trap and, following a row over a chew of tobacco, pulled out a revolver and placed three bullets in the body of Will Snowden—one in the head and two in the leg.

Carr’s witness declared that he shot in self defense after Snowden had threatened to use his ax while State witnesses said that Snowden did not have an ax, that Carr shot without any apparent reason.

Friday’s session of Superior Court closed with the disposal of the case of Herman Newbern vs. L.A. Armstrong, A.J. Armstrong, and D.H. Scott. Mr. Newbern held that a certain lightning system sold to him by the defendants was not what they had guaranteed it to be. The jury awarded Mr. Newbern $568 with interest from July 5, 1920.

This case has been on the Camden County Superior Court docket for along time, it having resulted in a mistrial when once before a jury.

While there are a number of cases that could not be tried at this term of court, an unusually large number of cases were disposed of. The fact that Camden County was not given its usual fall term of court in September necessarily crowded the spring court docket.

Today’s session of court is hardly expected to do more than dispose of the land case of Robbinson vs. Gordon.

From the front page of the March 14, 1925, issue of The Daily Advance, Elizabeth City, N.C.

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