Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Is the News Getting You Down? Oct. 9, 1924

By Aaron M. Jones

It’s downright difficult to read the newspapers of today and still be intemperately optimistic about life—unless you fully realize that newspapers print only the unusual. There is more good in the world than there is bad. So much more that records of the good things people do is not news. We buy papers to read about the unusual and the uncommon. More people are honest than dishonest; more married people love each other and are happy than hate each other and are unhappy; more ministers are sincere than otherwise; more girls are good than are bad; and, most wives are true to their husbands. When it becomes so common an occurrence for a man to run away with another man’s wife, or a minister to be a rogue that newspapers will not consider such events as having news value. Until then, will it be time to worry about the trend of civilization.

From page 4 of the Polk County News, Tryon, N.C., October 9, 1924


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