Friday, October 11, 2024

J.B. Hooks a Wise Choice to Head Red Cross Fundraiser, Says Editor, Oct. 12, 1924

A Wise Selection

In the selection of Mr. J.B. Hooks to head the Red Cross Roll Call in Wayne county, those who are in charge of this work have acted most wisely.

There is no better man in the county that Mr. Hooks. He is a sterling gentleman in every respect, one who has the confidence of all and a man who is active and aggressive in all movements of this type.

Wayne County Red Cross workers are anxious to make a splendid showing with this year’s roll call and with Mr. Hooks and the able executives chosen with him at the helm of afty(?) men who claimed to have fished in the world but all that of this will be accomplished.

From the editorial page of the Sunday Goldsboro News, October 12, 1924. I’ve typed the last sentence the way it was printed, and it doesn’t make sense to me. R.F. Beasley is editor of the newspaper.

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