Friday, October 11, 2024

TB Association Hopes to End 'White Plague' in Wayne County, Oct. 12, 1924

Wayne Can Now Boast of Tuberculosis Association. . . Full Fledged Organization Been Formed and Has Started to Function—Dr. William H. Smith Heads Association—Plans Made to Cut Tuberculosis Death Rate in County

A significant forward step in the fight against tuberculosis was taken Friday when the Wayne County Tuberculosis Association was formally organized with more than a score of men and women from Goldsboro and surrounding parts of the county present at the meeting which was held in the Chamber of Commerce at noon.

The Association will affiliate for mutual helpfulness with the State and national tuberculosis associations. It will manage the sale of tuberculosis Christmas seals and assist the local ?? Organization Society and the Wayne County Health Department and Medical Society in every possible way in the education of the populace against the dread disease in caring for those who are already victims of tuberculosis, with the ultimate aim to view that Wayne County may, alone or in conjunction with adjoining counties, establish and maintain a nearby home or sanitorium for the care of tubercular patients.

“White Plague” Fatal

Wayne county has a heavy death rate from tuberculosis but the very active constructive fight which ?? various civic and medical agencies have been making has decreased the death rate considerably in the last five years. With the united efforts of everyone, the disease should be entirely eradicated in 10 or 15 years’ time.

Officers of the Wayne County Tuberculosis Association, each elected for a term of one year, are:

President Dr. Wm. H. Smith, Goldsboro; first vice president Miss Gertrude Weil, Goldsboro; second vice president Mr. M.C.S. Cherry, Mt. Olive; third vice president Dr. Henderson Irwin, Eureka; fourth vice president M.D. Hines, Fork; secretary Mrs. N.A. Edwards, Goldsboro; treasurer Mr. Geo. C. Kornegay, Goldsboro.

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From the front page of the Sunday Goldsboro News, October 12, 1924

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